What are the four main points on a compass rose? cardinal directions GEOGRAPHY TERMS What are the four main points on a compass rose? cardinal directions
This is a term used to describe heights on a map. elevation GEOGRAPHY TERMS This is a term used to describe heights on a map. elevation
This is found at 0° degrees south. equator GEOGRAPHY TERMS This is found at 0° degrees south. equator
What is found at about 23° degrees north of the equator? GEOGRAPHY TERMS What is found at about 23° degrees north of the equator? Tropic of Cancer
This is found at 180° degrees longitude. International Date Line GEOGRAPHY TERMS This is found at 180° degrees longitude. International Date Line
What is half of a sphere? hemisphere GEOGRAPHY TERMS What is half of a sphere? hemisphere
This is another name for longitude lines. meridians GEOGRAPHY TERMS This is another name for longitude lines. meridians
These lines are found east or west of the Prime Meridian. GEOGRAPHY TERMS These lines are found east or west of the Prime Meridian. Lines of longitude
GEOGRAPHY TERMS What shows the relationship between distance on a map and real distances on the earth’s surface? scale
What is found at 0° degrees longitude? Prime Meridian GEOGRAPHY TERMS What is found at 0° degrees longitude? Prime Meridian
This is found at about 90° degrees north. North Pole GEOGRAPHY TERMS This is found at about 90° degrees north. North Pole
A direction indicator usually found in the corner of a map. GEOGRAPHY TERMS A direction indicator usually found in the corner of a map. compass rose
The imaginary boundary of the North Polar Region. Arctic Circle GEOGRAPHY TERMS The imaginary boundary of the North Polar Region. Arctic Circle
What is located at about 23° degrees south of the equator? GEOGRAPHY TERMS What is located at about 23° degrees south of the equator? Tropic of Capricorn
This is another name for latitude lines. Parallel lines GEOGRAPHY TERMS This is another name for latitude lines. Parallel lines
Lines that are found north or south of the equator. Lines of latitude GEOGRAPHY TERMS Lines that are found north or south of the equator. Lines of latitude
What is the imaginary boundary of the South Polar Region? GEOGRAPHY TERMS What is the imaginary boundary of the South Polar Region? Antarctic Circle
What is at 0° degrees elevation? sea level GEOGRAPHY TERMS What is at 0° degrees elevation? sea level
What is found at about 90° degrees south? South Pole GEOGRAPHY TERMS What is found at about 90° degrees south? South Pole
A network of intersecting lines. grid GEOGRAPHY TERMS A network of intersecting lines. grid
GEOGRAPHY TERMS What are the four main points on a compass rose? cardinal directions This is a term used to describe heights on a map. elevation This is found at 0° degrees south. equator What is found at about 23° degrees north of the equator? Tropic of Cancer This is found at 180° degrees longitude. International Date Line What is half of a sphere? hemisphere This is another name for longitude lines. meridians These lines are found east or west of the Prime Meridian. Lines of longitude What shows the relationship between distance on a map and real distances on the earth’s surface? Scale What is found at 0° degrees longitude? Prime Meridian This is found at about 90° degrees north. North Pole A direction indicator usually found in the corner of a map. compass rose The imaginary boundary of the North Polar Region. Arctic Circle What is located at about 23° degrees south of the equator? Tropic of Capricorn This is another name for latitude lines. Parallel lines Lines that are found north or south of the equator. Lines of latitude What is the imaginary boundary of the South Polar Region? Antarctic Circle What is at 0° degrees elevation? sea level What is found at about 90° degrees south? South Pole A network of intersecting lines. Grid