Professor Tony Stevenson Pro-Vice Chancellor Planning and Resources
World Environment Day
Vision 2021 To Achieve – Financial and Environmental Sustainability Societal Challenges – Ageing; Sustainability; Social Renewal
Operational Environmental Sustainability Recent achievements include: Attaining a 1st Class award from People and Planet Green League (26th) – 2013 (**th) Dual accreditation- EcoCampus Platinum & ISO14001 Recycling Rate <90% and zero waste to landfill Completion of £4.4m boiler scheme saved 1,500t CO 2 An additional £1.2M invested in carbon reduction projects over last 5 years, saving £427k and 2,500 tonnes CO 2 p.a. Energy consumption contained despite new buildings Water use reduced by a further 3.9% % since 2008/9 Proportion of staff travelling to work by car reduced from 40% in 2004 to 20.5% in 2012 Continued implementation of biodiversity action plan including creation of a pollinator garden Undertaken 2 nd year of Green Impact The ESS Sustainability Team and a network of 80 volunteer Environmental Co-ordinators work to reduce the environmental impacts of the University.
Nominations For Best Environmental Initiative Calculating the Carbon Footprint and Establishing a Carbon Strategy for O’Brien and Sons Ltd Systematic development of an intervention aimed at promoting active school travel among primary school children Big Sea Survey Earth Day: The Face of Climate Change at NUMed Sustainable Food initiatives U-Café Project
Best Environmental Initiative- HIGHLY COMMENDED Earth Day: The Face of Climate Change at NUMed Library, IT & student’s Stay Green Society at NUMed 21st – 26th April Earth Night- all campus lights switched off from 7-9pm Earth Week Exhibition “No plastic bag or polystyrene boxes” event at the Tyne Cafe
Best Environmental Initiative- HIGHLY COMMENDED Big Sea Survey Dr Jane Delany and Dr Heather Sugden Trained 350 members of the public, retained 70% of these in 3 year long project to record marine species abundance along North East Coast. Educated and raised awareness of marine and climate change issues within the public. Data collected by volunteers is feeding into national databases to inform marine policy and wider conservation.
Best Environmental Initiative- HIGHLY COMMENDED Sustainable Food Initiatives Accommodation & Hospitality Services Creation of a Healthy & Sustainable Food Policy 2011 Good Egg award 2012 Bronze Food for Life for and Initiatives include: –locally sourced and free range eggs –use of MSc certified sustainable fish –Seasonal menus
Best Environmental Initiative- WINNER U-Café Project Newcastle University staff and students from CEGs, Architecture, Fine Art, Music and CURDs Exploring the potential of up-cycling Created a café made entirely from waste Challenging perceptions of what is waste >150 visitors over 3 days Children from Hadrian Primary School staged a concert in the U-Café using instruments made from used bottles and boxes
Awards 2013
Green Impact Working Towards Labs Bronze Award Merz Court
Green Impact Bronze Awards NUBsies IGM Green Team Catering Bronze- Lean Mean Catering Machine
Green Impact Silver Awards The Wombles (Leazes Terrace)Teamo Verda (School of Modern Languages) IHS Ecoteam Library Green Group Devonshire Green Team Estate Support Service Mean Green Impact Machine Estate Support Service
Highest Achieving Green Impact Team King’s Gate Eco-team
Green Impact Innovation Award Devonshire Green Team ‘Give Up the Lift For Lent’ Campaign 947 trips up the stairs recorded during the challenge ~120kg C0 2 saved
Green Impact Students Union- GOLD AWARD
Sustainable Estate Project Award Dave Pearson- Cyclotron Project
Outstanding Individual Contribution to Sustainability at Newcastle University Jennifer Molyneux