Linguistic interaction = social interaction Social distance and closeness (age, social status, power, etc)
Politeness: 1)How language expresses the social distance between speakers and their different role relationship 2)The attempt to establish, maintain, and save face during conversation Pliteness: polite social behaviour, etiquette within a culture
Face: The image or impression of oneself that a person shows or intends to show to the other participants The public self-image of a person In an interaction politeness can be defines as the means employed to show awareness of another person’ face (respect, deference or friendliness, solidarity)
In an interaction politeness can be defined as the means employed to show awareness of another person’ face (respect, deference or friendliness, solidarity)
Face wants: Expectations concerning a person’s public self- image Face threatening act (the others do not respect the expectations) Face saving act (the others respect the expectations) Negative face: The need to be indipendent, to have freedom of action Positive face: The need to be accepted, to be considered a member of the group