Estimate 59% of 403 using fractions. Estimating With Percents COURSE 3 LESSON % 3535 Use a fraction that is close to 59% Round 403 to a number compatible with 5. 59% of of = Multiply to find of = 240Simplify. So, 59% of 403 is about
A video store rented 297 videos. The customers returned 19% of the videos late. Estimate, using fractions, how many videos were returned late. Estimating With Percents COURSE 3 LESSON % 1515 Use a fraction that is close to 19% Round to a number that is compatible with 5. 19% of of = 60= Multiply to find of About 60 videos were returned late. 6-2
Estimating With Percents Show the numbers you use to estimate. 1.Use decimals to estimate 54% of Use fractions to estimate 74% of Estimate a 15% tip on $ About 60% of 27 students are in the play = 15 COURSE 3 LESSON = (8) + 0.1(4) = = $1.20 (30) = 18 students