Anti-Semitism didn’t start with Hitler and the Nazis Anti-Semitism had occurred throughout the history of Europe
Spread during the 4 th century A.D. as Christianity became the dominant religion. Many Christians became suspicious of Jews because they were reluctant to convert. This led to wide spread hate.
Jews became falsely associated with Judas, a betrayer of Jesus. As a result Jews are often isolated, forced to live in separate sections of town and to wear identifying marks.
Jews are portrayed as children of the devil and accused of the ritual murder of Christian Children. This occurs in the 1100s. Many Jews in England and Spain are executed.
In the late 1400s in Spain many Jews are given the option to convert or die. Throughout Europe Jews are denied citizenship rights until the French Revolution in Jews are recognized as citizens. Anti-Semitism still lingers, as there are many violent attacks against Jewish businesses in Eastern Europe. These attacks are called Pogroms.
In the 1870s there is a major change in thinking in Germany. Being Jewish becomes classified falsely classified as a race. In the 1900s two Russian Myths are spread 1. Jewish Conspiracy – There is a secret Jewish plot to takeover the world. 2. A racial theory that attributes being Jewish to negative stereotypes.
In the 1930s Hitler makes racial Anti-Semitism a political instrument. Being Jewish is considered a biological uniqueness. Hitler spreads the myth of “the dirty blood.” Jews can no longer convert to avoid persecution.
Henry Ford. Owner of the Ford motor company. Revolutionized automobile industry. Family still owns the Detroit Lions. Also ran an Anti- Semetic newspaper
The Dearborn Independent had a circulation of 600,000 and ran for seven years. Printed conspiracy theories about Jews. Was eventually sued into bankruptcy for printing lies.
Charles Lindbergh Great American Pilot Nicknamed Lucky Lindy First person ever to fly from across the Atlantic. He flew from New York to Paris on May 20, 1927 and became an instant hero.