Visitor Induction
Buckles Nordic: 1957 – M tonnes; ha Pronto: 1958 – M tonnes; 44.7 ha Panel: 1958 – 1961; M tonnes; ha Stanleigh: 1958 – 1960; M tonnes; 370 ha Quirke: 1956 – 1961; M tonnes; ha Spanish-American: 1958 – M tonnes; 12.3 ha Milliken: 1958 – M tonnes; 23.1 ha Lacnor: 1957 – M tonnes; 31.4 ha Denison: M tonnes; 280 ha Stanrock: M tonnes; 52 ha
Mine Closure Objectives Physical Stability Human Health and Safety Dam Safety Land Use Chemical Stability Water resource protection Health Biodiversity Land Use and Aesthetics Community Expectations Post Closure Land Use Regulatory Requirements
Design Criteria
Flooded Tailings Water and tailings retained by impermeable dams prevents generation of acid Surface water will continue to be collected and treated until water cover meets discharge criteria without treatment
PanelQuirke StanleighDenison TMA-1
7 Vegetated Tailings Rain and oxygen enter top layer of tailings and generate acid Water passes through permeable dam (e.g. Nordic) and is collected in drainage ditch at toe of dam. Seepage collected in toe drain will continue to be treated for quite some time
Lacnor Nordic ProntoStanrock
Operating, Care and Maintenance Site Maintenance Plant Maintenance Storm Event Inspection Snow Removal & Access Beaver Monitoring & Control Performance Monitoring Community Relations Operations Monitoring
Competition Ground Rules General In order to comply with competition regulations and standards, information provided during the presentations and site tours is restricted to that available in the public domain Everyone should feel free to put a halt to a conversation if he or she feels that a conversation or information exchange is venturing into dangerous territory Any objection to the sharing of potentially sensitive information during this meeting will be noted in the company meeting notes Specific Avoid sharing information that could be used to disadvantage those who may supply goods or services to two or more of the participating organizations (e.g. names of potential contractors, planned timing of major procurement efforts, information regarding labour relations, labour market conditions, etc.) Avoid sharing information that could be used to disadvantage those who may purchase products from two or more of the participating organizations (e.g. production capacity or forecasts, sales or shipping volumes, marketing plans or projections, market conditions, etc.)
Site Specific Hazard Awareness Mine sites have undergone closure and reclamation to achieve o A safe and stable physical condition; o Environmental compliance with no adverse environmental impact; o Restoration to a condition commensurate with surrounding land use; o Minimize active maintenance and monitoring requirements. This is not the same as an operating mine o Mine reclamation is aimed at restoring natural conditions and blending in with the surroundings. Drive and walk accordingly, recognizing natural conditions of topography, rivers, lakes and seasonal ice and water. o The sites may not be closed to pedestrian access and travel to site may be along isolated public roads frequently used by pedestrians. o Primary roads are maintained for access to operating areas. Some roads are seasonal access only. There are uncontrolled intersections on the property. o Underground mine openings have been closed and capped. There has been historic subsidence into underground workings (Buckles and Pronto) with potential for subsidence identified at Quirke and Nordic. Potential subsidence will occur at depth; areas are signed to restrict public access. o Facilities include flooded basins, drainage ditches and settling ponds. There is a net positive water balance at all sites, thus water levels in basins and flows in ditches can vary significantly. o The tailings are net acid generating and basin overflows and drainages may be treated with lime, thus some site ponds and drainage ditches can be acidic or alkaline.
Site Tour General Safety Participants must remain within visual contact of tour representative at all times. There are no sanitary facilities on the bus or at the sites. Sturdy foot wear and clothing appropriate for the weather conditions are required. Report any incidents or accidents to tour leader immediately. Do not leave any debris except in appropriate containers. Anyone under the influence of drugs or alcohol will be removed from the property immediately. Photos are allowed – but only for personal or professional use; no publication in any form of media for non-regulatory purposes without prior written approval of Denison or Rio Algom.
Tour Tailings Management Area Safety Bears – especially on vegetated tailings; attracted to clover Do not approach or stray onto slopes of dams. Vegetated tailings surfaces are uneven and contain some rocks; please stay on roadway surfaces and watch your footing. Sites are decommissioned uranium mining facilities; tailings contain low levels of radioactivity – do not remove any material from the site.
Tour Effluent Treatment Plant Safety Lighting at plants is low until warmed up; if entering plant, wait for clearance from tour guide and allow time for your eyes to adjust to reduced light. Do not make any adjustments to any plant monitoring or treatment functions. Plants are designed for remote operation with limited number of people; please work cooperatively to avoid crowding in doorways and stairwells. Do not climb on or over barricades or railings. Hazardous materials are contained in tanks or on designated storage pallets; do not touch reaction tank addition streams or stored materials.
Tour Radiation Safety The former mine sites have been decommissioned to minimize radiation hazards. Gamma radiation is marginally above background and your tour will result in a radiation dose less than a cross country flight. No material may be removed from the site. Do not disturb radiation mitigation measures: dams, water covers, vegetative covers, plant ventilation. Roads are surfaced with imported road materials that do not contain radioactive material therefore vehicles that do not come in direct contact with tailings or treatment solids do not have to be scanned prior to leaving the property.
16 Radiation Dose Limit CNSC public dose limit 1.0 mSv/y Health Canada Guideline 0.3 mSv/y 0.016mSv 200 hours EL TMAs 0.04 mSv 7 hour flight New York to Paris 0.24 mSv difference in living at sea level or in Denver Co. 0.3 mSv Mammogram 1.4 mSv Lower GI Tract Exam Natural Background 3mSv Medical Sources Less than 1mSv Living at Boundary of Nuclear Station Less than 0.05 mSv Other Sources 0.4 mSv
In Case of Emergency Remain calm. Inform tour leader of situation. Tour leader will contact emergency services as required and request assistance. Stay with group and follow instruction of tour leader. Emergency contact number for DES on-call operator is