Department of Sponsored Projects and Extended Learning Department of Sponsored Projects and Extended Learning
Department of Sponsored Projects and Extended Learning A Shipboard & Land-based Ballast Treatment Test Facility Our Partners: CMA MARAD Moss Landing Marine Laboratories California State Lands Commission NOAA Sea Grant University of Washington
Department of Sponsored Projects and Extended Learning Mission Statement Support the development of practical mariner focused solutions that: Provide an effective platform, for the research, development, testing and evaluation (RDTE) of technologies and practices which reduce marine vessel and other environmental impacts Advance United States merchant shipping and environmental technology business interests Develop stewards of the environment through student education, community involvement, and maritime business outreach
Department of Sponsored Projects and Extended Learning Ballast Treatment Testing Facility Facility built to perform shipboard and land-based ballast treatment verification testing with CMA/MLML operations and science team Land-based testing – Rigorous biological and water chemistry evaluation of treatment technology performance on challenge water meeting strict requirements (may require augment of organisms and constituents) Shipboard testing – Thorough testing in the more challenging environment of actual shipboard operations using ambient waters (no augmentation) Capable of ballast treatment R&D and “stress” testing to provide a platform for visiting investigators to evaluate systems Carquinez Straits and SF Bay provide a meaningful testing ground
Department of Sponsored Projects and Extended Learning 2008/9 – Basic Facility Design, and Construction (NOAA Seagrant, MARAD, and California State Lands funded) 2009/10 – Upgrades to meet IMO G8 for shipboard test. MARAD funded. April to November first Shipboard Test (IMO G8) for German Administration (BSH) – Feasibility study (NOAA funded) UW with Glosten /MARAD /Cal Maritime. Glosten and Cal Maritime Co-P.I. for the NOAA Seagrant proposal. 2010/11 – Upgrade capabilities to facilitate ETV testing (MARAD). First facility to attempt land-based Testing to ETV Protocol under review of NRL and NSF. (EPA/USCG ETV program funded) 2011 – Full ETV/IMO land-based capacity upgrades. (MARAD funded). Facility Quality system and test procedure development and upgrade. Filter tests performed for vendor present (ongoing) – MLML R&D of compliance testing protocols and equipment. Received additional BSH (Germany) grant award for continued development. 2012/13 – First land-based G8 (and ETV compliant) test series coupled with shipboard. Completed March – Provided facility for testing emergency ballast water treatment protocols (multi- agency project through GSI). 2012/13 – Facility Quality System Audit and upgrade plan to meet Independent Lab requirements. IL sub-contracting lab application submitted with DNV. 2013/14 – R&D testing (development for future T-A testing) April to February. Compliance monitoring tool trials October and November (Cal -SLC funded).
Department of Sponsored Projects and Extended Learning 2013/14 (Complete) – Facility physical plant improvements to achieve greater statistical confidence in test results. Includes ability fully drain test tanks and improved control and monitoring capabilities for BWMS operations (IMAC). Bench-top scaled R&D experiments for novel UV technology at MLML GBF provided platform for ballast water responder feasibility test Completed year-long R&D project for full scale BWMS CA State Lands Commission ROV testing with student involvement Supplemental shipboard report addressing USCG-IL & IMO gaps 2014 (Current and upcoming)- Assay validation for technology gaps Preparation for supplemental shipboard tests to meet USCG rule summer 2014 Preparations for full test series (shipboard and land-based) scheduled April to late 2014
Department of Sponsored Projects and Extended Learning Infrastructure and Organization: Continuous improvement for USCG-IL and IMO compliant lab Independent lab relationship (sub-contracting test facility) Quality system audits Facility and Piping Upgrades: Full drainage of residuals via stripping lines Ability to retain discharges (Active Substance) Ballast rates to 500 m³/hr with new overboard Ability to control backpressure at BWTS to simulate below water-line installation
Department of Sponsored Projects and Extended Learning 8 Testing Specifics: Installation and operation of injection system for water quality requirements for Land-based testing Completed a variety of lab equipment installation prior to summer 2014 shipboard testing Improve QA/QC process Ease logistics and access to equipment for science team Development and implication of improved hand data logs
Department of Sponsored Projects and Extended Learning 9 ParameterIMO G8USCG/ETV Protocol Temperature (°C) --4 to 35 Salinity (psu) Two salinities, >10 psu difference Freshwater <1 Brackish 10 to 20 Marine 28 to36 Total suspended solids (mg/L) >50≥24 Particulate organic carbon (mg/L) >5≥4 Dissolved organic carbon (mg/L) >5≥6 Water Quality Test Parameter Requirements
Department of Sponsored Projects and Extended Learning 10 ParameterIMO G8USCG/ETV Protocol Organisms ≥50 µm (m 3 -1 )>100,000 with at least 5 species present across 3 phyla Organisms ≥10 µm and <50 µm (mL -1 ) >1,000 with at least 5 species present across 3 phyla Organisms <10 µm (mL -1 ) >10,000 living heterotrophic bacteria >1,000 as culturable aerobic heterotrophic bacteria All Organisms Naturally occurring, or cultured species that may be added to the test water Ambient assemblage supplemented by the addition of organisms Biological Test Parameter Requirements
Department of Sponsored Projects and Extended Learning 11 ParameterIMO G8USCG/ETV Protocol Flow Rate 200 m 3 /hr Number and capacity of hold tanks (m 3 ) At least 1 control and 1 treatment tank with a minimum capacity of 200 m 3 each Control/Treatment cycle sequence Control and treatment cycles may be run simultaneously or sequentially Retention Time ≥5 days≥1 day Number of Trials At least 5 successes at two different salinities 5 consecutive success at three different salinity regimes Operational Test Parameter Requirements
Department of Sponsored Projects and Extended Learning 12 ParameterIMO G8USCG/ETV Protocol QA/QC Quality Management Plan Quality Assurance Project Plan Test/Quality Assurance Plan, with input from the vendor. Data Quality Indicators -- assessment of representativeness, accuracy, precision, bias, comparability, and completeness Independence -- Complete independence from vendor during testing (VGP) Documentation Requirements
Department of Sponsored Projects and Extended Learning Services/Functions: BWTS “Plug and Play” –One Week to Install & Commission –Testing at 100 to 440 m3/hr –Two Test Tanks at 432 m3 each –Two Source Tanks at 350 m3 each –Total 7,141 m3 capacity in 28 tanks BWTS Verification Testing –USCG-IL Testing (DNV-GL) –IMO Land-based Guidelines –IMO Shipboard Guidelines –ETV Land-based Protocol R&D Platform –Treatment System Stress Testing –Filter Efficiency –Emergency/Interim Ballast Water Treatment –Compliance Monitoring Tools
Department of Sponsored Projects and Extended Learning Structural modifications allow placement of one or two 20’ ISO containers in stacked arrangement. Containers may weight up to 25 tons total. Proximity to 20 ton deck crane for handling. Services provide compressed air, fresh water, electrical, ballast main, and drain connections. Service Station
Department of Sponsored Projects and Extended Learning Sampling Capabilities: Two independent sets of sampling tanks. Each with triplicate samples, continuous integrated sampling. Typical samples 3 sets of 1.2 cubic meters each. Capacity for 3 sets of 3.3 cubic meters each. Ballast Main (8 inch) Sampling Pitot Tubes: 1-1/4 inch, 1-1/2 inch, And 2 inch
Department of Sponsored Projects and Extended Learning
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Department of Sponsored Projects and Extended Learning
Department of Sponsored Projects and Extended Learning
Department of Sponsored Projects and Extended Learning
Department of Sponsored Projects and Extended Learning 21 Undergraduate Research Project: Led by Dr. Alex Parker – Cal Maritime oceanography instructor Investigated the relationship between TSS and turbidity – to help GBF develop a proxy for measuring ambient TSS concentration prior to augmentation Students benefit– Engaging in environmental and regulatory issues that greatly influence the shipping industry Presented findings at COAST annual meeting in March 2014 as the only undergrad Developing: Possible submission of undergraduate research proposal to COAST
Department of Sponsored Projects and Extended Learning A Research Center Establish grant and industry funded cost-center to manage a broad array of subjects our facilities and investigators can support Research, Development, Testing, and Evaluation (RDTE) Provide a proving ground for technologies that show promise for limiting impact of vessel operations on the environment Dedicated onboard laboratory to enable rapid biological and chemical analysis to support RDTE activities Access to all ship equipment: ballast system, hull and apertures, bilge water and de-oiling equipment, sanitation system and diesel exhaust systems Testing of Other Discharge Streams? Baseline Air Emissions for leveraging Plug & Play approach Oily Water Separator Plug & Play facility Other VGP related discharge streams Biofouling?
Department of Sponsored Projects and Extended Learning 23 Busan, South Korea Ha Long Bay, Vietnam Honolulu, Hawaii San Diego, California Vallejo, California Two BWMS onboard for duration of training cruise Between 7 and 10 tests will be conducted over six month period required for USCG Shipboard testing
Department of Sponsored Projects and Extended Learning 24 California State Lands Commission – proposal submitted for ballast responder efficacy testing MARAD (Jan. 2014) – proposal submitted and funding decisions pending for equipment upgrades USCG RDC (March 2014)– possible funding and research opportunities IMarEST/IMO Conference (April 2014) – Continued controversy between regulatory bodies and shipping agencies over BWMS implementation requirements Interest from several vendors for 2014/2015 USCG type- approval testing
Department of Sponsored Projects and Extended Learning 25 THANK YOU!