Bridge to Biotech City College of San Francisco Learning Communities to Promote Recruiting and Retaining Students Elaine Johnson, Bio-Link Director
History Biotech program started in Steady increase in the number of classes and students: 2001: 50 students 2002: 200 students 2005: 600 students 2006: 600 students The Program has successfully produced well-trained students and continues to place them in laboratory and manufacturing jobs throughout the Bay Area.
Overview Target students – adult returning students with AA or BA credit & non-credit ESL students – displaced workers – high school students – underachieved students Biotech courses with real job component Well defined career lattice Impact on Community
One semester in length Provides necessary background to enter Biomanufacturing Certificate Program Targets adult students with NO BIOLOGY background and 9th grade Math and English skills. “Integrated Curriculum” composed of three classes: Research Skills for Biotech (BTEC 10) Language of Biotechnology (ET 107) Biotech Math (ET 108A) Bridge to Biotech: Features
Bridge to Biotech: Success Students per semester: 40 85% retention 90% enrolled in CCSF Certificate Program upon completion of Bridge Program 6% employed in biotech industry VTEA grant, NSF-CCLI grant, $500K Spawn programs throughout California and Texas
Recent Data Fall Semester 06 82% retention in bridge 37 out of 45 students 2 sections 81% entered biotech program Spring Semester 07 75% retention in bridge 33 out of 44 students 2 sections 81% entered biotech program
CREDITS Phil Jardim, Biotech Program Director Edie Kaeuper, Biomanufacturing Director & Bridge Instructor Carin Zimmerman, Stem Cell Director & Bridge Instructor James Lewis, Bridge Coordinator