Stop Motion Animation We have been creating Stop Motion Animations that relate to “Keeping ourselves fit.”
Stop motion Animation C4 watched some Star Wars and War Stop motion Animation movies to get the real idea of what we had to do. The first step was to do story boards in our groups, Next we had to do a background. My group’s background wasn’t the best. Later we had to take pictures of little Lego men and our background. After that we had to make it into a movie with “Windows Movie Maker”. Then we had to put sound in our movie so you knew what they were saying. If my group had another chance we would make some changes like make it a little longer and make it more interesting like remove my hand from it because Jade took the photo at the wrong time. We would fix up the voices and make the Lego man fall over later. By Kyleesha
Stop motion animation My group made up a theme for keeping fit. Ours was “exercising keeps us going on in life.” We are learning about stop motion animation. It’s really hard at times but my group is really good. First our group made a bubble map. We used lots of techniques that would help us. Next we communicated and we had lots of ideas. Then we started making nine story boards that were related to our theme. And we had to get three Lego men. We took pictures of them with a back round that we created. We put pictures on the computer. Something called “movie maker” but first we had to put an introduction title with our theme. Then we dragged our pictures that we took of our Lego men into a little box on movie maker. After we did that we had to put audio into our movie. We had to talk as if it was the Lego men talking. We put music on it and I liked our music. I thought our group put a lot of effort into our movie. I liked our movie because it looks real. Ronee
Stop Motion Animation Last week in C4 we did some movie making. It was called stop motion animation. Everybody had buddies. My buddies were Raua, Kellen, Jasmine and myself. Everybody had a practice first. The first thing that happened was that everyone’s group had to do something in there piece of paper Mr. T gave. My group did a t chart first. Second of all we did our planning, background, story board, photo’s and than our audio movie making. On the computer we did our setting, title & end and then our voice recording. If we had another chance I would take more photo’s as the movie was very short. By Saalihah Saniyah Ahmad.
Stop Motion Animation A few weeks ago C4 started Stop Motion Animation about Keeping Fit. We Watched Some Lego clips and some other clips on You tube related to the Stop Motion Animation. We were divided into groups and each group had a team leader. My group’s team leader was Samuel and the other two people in my group were Angel and Reid. We had a theme. Our theme was Keeping Fit Saved My Life. First we made a plan, do our story boards, background and taking photos with Lego people. It was really fun. Finally after taking photos we were now on Windows Movie Maker where we imported the photos, added the music and added the beginning and end credits. Now we were on narration where we had to add the voices to the movie, but we didn’t have a script so we had to write one. When we finished writing our script we could now do the narration. Finally on Thursday 20 th of May 2010 we finished our Stop Motion Animation and so had the rest of C4. If we had another chance we would have added more photos and tried to keep the camera a bit more still. By Wu-Xin Yim
My Journey with Stop Motion Animation This term C4 and I have been learning and focusing on Stop Motion Animation. Our theme is keeping ourselves fit. The children in my group are Me, Te Auripo, Anna and Manaia. In every group there is a leader and our leader is me. First C4 had to watch some videos on Stop Motion Animation so we could understand what it is and means. After we understood what Stop Motion Animation was we made storyboards. After making our storyboards we made backgrounds with bright, beautiful colours. Then we got the camera and took some photos of little lego characters. When we were moving the lego pieces it was very difficult. My group took a lot of photos which took a lot of hard work. After taking all the photos we learnt how to download all of our photos on to the computer. Sometime later we had to import the photos on to Windows Movie Maker. The most annoying part was dragging all of the photos in the timeline to form the movie. We learnt that we could have just pressed “Control A” and dragged all the photos at once. Next we had to make titles at the beginning and ending of the movie. All the bits my team and I got frustrated at were while we were putting music in, it kept freezing over and over. This was because the photos were too big so we had to make them smaller using the paint program. Our group nearly gave up but then we made them smaller and it worked. We were so relieved. After that we added our voices to the movement of the lego men and our movie was complete. If my group had another chance we would go back and all work together and not just one person doing it. Everybody in my group at times wasted the classes time! By Jodee Anne
Report from our work C4 was doing stop motion animation last week. First we watched video’s on how to make a movie and some of the examples. Then we had to create our theme, my group’s theme was “exercising makes a good healthy life.” After we made our storyboards we did a practice (To try it out). We moved our Lego people men and then we took photos. After we put the photos on the computer. Then we made a movie from using Windows Movie Maker. We made a title and an ending. Then we put the music in and the narration (the narration is where we record our voices and connect it to the Lego men).We were ready for our real movie (we did the same as I wrote). We didn’t get to finish our last part to the real movie. I am putting our work into our report. We had fun but the work is still important. If we went back in time our group would add that last part. From Morgan King.
C4 was doing a project on stop motion animation. At first I had no idea what stop motion animation was. Then Mr. T went on Youtube and got some video clips to watch. When he did that I knew what it was. When I heard who was in my group I was like “oh no we will never get our work done now.” So on the first day no one listened to me. The next day Colton was the only one listening Kayla and Harry wouldn’t. When we had to do our background I was pretty much the only one doing the work. Then I went and told Mr. T and Mr. T told them to do the work. When we were on the camera I liked taking all the photos. The next step was to do the computer stuff. Then all that we had to do was put the voices and a song in. When we were done I nearly fainted because we finished it on time. If I had another chance I would be a better leader and be a lot more stricter. By: Celine
Last week we started stop motion animation. In my group was Odin, Devon, Emma and me. We didn’t get on properly but we figured it out. Then Devon and Emma knew that I was there and they said that I shouldn’t be in it and didn’t let me say anything. But Mr T said “remember Anna-Marie is here too” and they said “Ow.” Then I got to say something and it all worked to plan. Anna-Marie
SO….. LO……
Reflected on our findings and experiences. Made sequenced story boards for our animations. Created a Stop Motion animation related to “Keeping ourselves fit” that was presented at assembly. Reflected on our work and how we could improve it next time We were successful because we