Best Practices in Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in Commercial Buildings EGNRET 28 January 2007
Commercial Building Sector in Australia Produces 9 % of Australia's greenhouse gas emissions, and growing rapidly 90% of the sector designed prior to introduction of rating systems Wide variation in energy performance and use in existing buildings Two-thirds of energy is used for heating, ventilation and cooling of buildings, with lighting accounting for a further 18% Current energy use: –T –The biofuels industry faces considerable market barriers including low consumer confidence and high commercial risk; and –On current policy settings the 350 ML target would not be met
Potential for large energy savings through Installing more efficient lighting systems (fixtures, lamps, ballasts, improved controls can save more than 50% of lighting energy use Replacing HVAC equipment with more efficient units and improving the efficiency of existing can reduce overall electricity consumption by 14-18% Testing and sealing air distribution ducts can save 9-15% of total energy consumption Energy-efficient office equipment can reduce total electricity consumption by 15-20%
Accredited Green Buildings Performance Standards/Rating Schemes Building Code of Australia Government-mandated minimum performance requirements for –wall, floor and roof insulation –glazing –air-conditioning –lighting –building sealing –ventilation –hot water supply
Australian Building Greenhouse Rating Scheme Required by some major cities and state governments Provides accredited assessments of greenhouse intensity by awarding a star rating on scale of 1 to 5 –the higher the rating the more energy efficient, with a 3-star rating current market practice –Number of 5 star buildings increased from 8 to 25 in 2005 –4.5 star buildings from 4 to 13
Green Building Council of Australia A range of Green Star environmental rating schemes evaluating environmental factors, including –water usage –indoor environmental quality –materials use and siting –energy and greenhouse gas emissions Top rating is 6 green stars
What this means All these buildings incorporate a variety of technologies, including –ecologically sustainable design (ESD) –solar photovoltaics integrated into the fabric of the building –solar water heaters or heat pump units –daylighting technologies –external climatic landscaping
Sustainability as a factor in valuation To date, the implementation of energy efficiency practices and technologies has not been a significant factor in valuation models used by most owners, investors or valuers However, the Property Council of Australia, the major commercial building owners and managers association, is introducing environmental factors into its rating scheme –this is used to set rental rates and property values
Some examples City of Melbourne's Council House 2 (CH2) 100% fresh air through the building Extensive daylight to all floors Heat removal through thermal mass, assisted by chilled beams and ceiling units Waste water harvesting, purification and storage Internal air purging assisted by roof turbines Shower towers to cool water and purify air that is fed to ground floor retail tenancies for cooling systems Green Building Council of Australia 6 green star rating
Szencorp Building, 40 Albert Road, Melbourne Desiccant technology to dry and cool the office space simultaneously Ceramic fuel cell provides heat and electricity Rooftop weather station provides wind speed and direction, rainfall, atmospheric pressure and temperature to building management system Gas-boosted solar water heater and solar modules on the roof Overall, a 70% reduction in energy use; 82% reduction in piped water use,;72% reduction in sewer discharge; and 30% self-generated energy First Australian building refurbishment to be awarded a 6 Star Green Star rating and a 5 Star Australian Building Greenhouse whole building rating
Lumen Christi Primary School Reverse brick veneer, with thermal mass on inside of building Solar eave on sun-facing side, with 1.9 kWp grid interactive photovoltaic system, two-panel solar hot water system, four-collector solar air handling system mounted on the eave Subsurface water storage system, with filtered rainwater utilised for toilets and watering gardens and pipes installed for air cooling Slab-edge insulation; foil and bulk roof insulation Heat transfer from older attached building to new structure
Australian National University Hall of Residence Combined Heat and Power Solar Collectors (CHAPS) Large concentrating solar system to provide electricity and hot water to new student residence Hot water used to power a hydronic heating system –Estimated contribution between one-third to two-thirds of annual hot water consumption PV array to convert 15% of sunlight into electricity delivered to the building and the grid through a 40kW grid-connected inverter –Estimated contribution 60% of annual electricity consumption Being developed by Centre for Sustainable Energy Systems with RHEEM Australia, with funding from Australian Greenhouse Office
Thank you Information provided by Australian Business Council for Sustainable Energy