Upcoming Events Upper Midwest Spiritual Training –Milwaukee, WI –Saturday, March 3 rd –10:00 AM – 4 PM Bring your own lunch or go out for lunch (1 Hr.


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Presentation transcript:

Upcoming Events Upper Midwest Spiritual Training –Milwaukee, WI –Saturday, March 3 rd –10:00 AM – 4 PM Bring your own lunch or go out for lunch (1 Hr. Lunch Period) Marriage Day-Retreat –Saturday, March 17 th –10:00 AM – 5 PM (Lunch Provided) Optional Movie at Church’s Building at 7 PM

His Kingdom Bible Study Series

Class Schedule Class 1 – Conversion, Questions, Scriptures - His Word Class 2 – Quiz; His Plan; His Will Class 3 – Quiz; His Call Class 4 – Quiz; His Mercy; His Sacrifice Class 5 – Quiz; His Life Class 6 – Quiz; His Way Class 7 – Quiz; His Hope; His Family Class 8 – Quiz; Appendices Studies; Lifelong Discipleship

The Focus of Each Study The Point – What is the primary focus of each study Scriptures of Focus – What Scriptures lay at the heart of each study Questions – What pointed questions do you want to ask during the study Action Points– What main point of conviction do you want your friend to take with them

Conversion What is conversion?

Luke 13: Then Jesus went through the towns and villages, teaching as he made his way to Jerusalem. 23 Someone asked him, “Lord, are only a few people going to be saved?” He said to them, 24 “Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to. 25 Once the owner of the house gets up and closes the door, you will stand outside knocking and pleading, ‘Sir, open the door for us.’ “But he will answer, ‘I don’t know you or where you come from.’

Luke 13:22-25 “Make every effort” – Agonize; Wrestle; Strive; Fight For “Try” – Desire; Take a shot at


Conversion Before: Ephesians 2:1-3 Ephesians 4: Corinthians 4:3-4 Galatians 5:19-21 After: Ephesians 2:4-5 Ephesians 4: Corinthians 4:5-6 Galatians 5:22-25

Conversion – How? UnbelieverBeliever Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit Will Convict: Sin – Our need to believe in the life of Christ Righteousness – That Jesus has paved the way for us to be found standing in the family of God Judgment – Satan has already been defeated; judgment is inevitable, and doing our own will is futile

2 Corinthians 7:10 10 Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death.

The Purpose of Studies 1.Expose misconceptions about the biblical topic 2.Inspire your friend to biblically understand and pursue that topic in their life

Pointed Questions InterpretationWhat... ? ApplicationHow..... ? ContemplationWhy... ?

Matthew 6:33 Interpretation – What does it mean to seek something first? - What does it mean to seek the kingdom? Application – How are you going to make God’s kingdom the highest priority in your life? Contemplation – Why do you want to take on such a calling? - Why would you put God’s kingdom ahead of your own personal agenda?

His Word

The Focus of Each Study The Point – What is the primary focus of each study Scripture of Focus – What Scriptures lay at the heart of each study Questions – What pointed questions do you want to ask during the study Action Points– What main point of conviction do you want your friend to take with them

The Main Point The Point – 1. To help people understand misconceptions they have had about the need for the Word of God in their life; the importance of it; and our commitment to it 2. To help people understand the importance and purpose of obeying God’s word above all else

Scriptures of Focus Primary Scriptures –Mark 4:13 –Mark 4:14-20 –James 1:22-25

Questions The Questions – What pointed questions do you want to ask during the study –Why would you want to obey the word of God in your life?

Action Points The Take Away Convictions – What main point of conviction do you want your friend to take with them –We want our friends to leave with a specific conviction about their need to learn and study the word of God –And a conviction about obeying it

James 1: But be doers of the word and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves will be blessed in what he does.

Mastery of Each Study Be able to Recite the Main Point of each study Be able to identify the Scripture of Focus of Each Study Have at least one Scripture of Focus memorized Be able to give the gist or idea of each passage looked at in the study

HIS PLAN Study 2

The Main Point The Point – 1. To help people understand the big picture of God’s plan to call people into the family of his kingdom rather than individual salvation 2. To help people understand the importance and purpose of actively participating in God’s rule and reign through his people

Scriptures of Focus Primary Scripture –Hebrews 12:28-29 –2 Corinthians 5:14-20

Genesis 1:26-31 God created human beings to be in relationship with him, his creation, and other humans Pointed Questions –Interpretation: What do you think it means to be created in God’s image? –Application: Do you reflect the full image of God? How might your life look differently if you did? –Contemplation: What do you think is preferable about reflecting God’s will rather than doing your own?

Genesis 3:17-19 What is the main point of Genesis 3:17-19? How does it relate to the previous passage? How does it fit into the overall purpose of the study?

Isaiah 2:2-4 What is the main point of Isaiah 2:2-4? How does it relate to the previous passage? How does it fit into the overall purpose of the study?

Matthew 6:10 What is the main point of Matthew 6:10? How does it relate to the previous passage? How does it fit into the overall purpose of the study?

2 Corinthians 5:14-20 Quickly split your HC into three groups Have one group create an interpretation question for this passage Have one group create an application question for this passage Have one group create a contemplation question for this passage

Acts 17:22-31 This is a key passage to help someone determine whether they are going to seek out God and his plan for his people and their part in that plan

Action Points What are they going to do from here to pursue God?

HIS WILL Study 3

The Main Point The Point – 1. To help people understand that following God is not about what satisfies them or being religiously sincere but has to do with obeying God’s will 2. To help people understand the importance and purpose of actively seeking God’s will in their own lives on a consistent basis

Scriptures of Focus Primary Scripture –Romans 12:1-2 –1 Corinthians 10:31

1 Corinthians 10:31 Quickly split your HC into three groups Have one group create an interpretation question for this passage Have one group create an application question for this passage Have one group create a contemplation question for this passage

Action Points What are they going to do from here to pursue God?

Action Points During a Study Study of God’s Word Prayer Life Sin and Repentance Confession Devotion to Body Active Lifestyle Evangelism

Memory Scriptures 2 Corinthians 5:15 Romans 12:2

Assignment Challenge Review first 3 studies Pray that God will help you to find someone to study the Bible Try to set up a Bible study with a friend during the course of these classes Sit in on another study that you are not leading during the course of this class

Additional Ideas If you are not in a study in a week, then review one of the studies –Review memory Scripture from that study –Review the content of each Scripture –Write out the Scriptures to help you get familiar with them –Create a topic Scripture journal