Contact or find soren ellegaard on LinkedIn Personal Efficiency ( …put into practice ) Personal Efficiency ( …put into practice )
Contact or find soren ellegaard on LinkedIn Dear participants I have not yet been able to insert the picture of the flipcharts with all your great input. It will come within 8 days For those who wanted immediate use of slides – here they are Soren –( this is 2 hrs after the course end of the 1st day) Dear participants I have not yet been able to insert the picture of the flipcharts with all your great input. It will come within 8 days For those who wanted immediate use of slides – here they are Soren –( this is 2 hrs after the course end of the 1st day)
Contact or find soren ellegaard on LinkedIn The LEAN Office 5 S Principle, theory, tasks The LEAN Office 5 S Principle, theory, tasks
Contact or find soren ellegaard on LinkedIn Goal : Understand 5 s principle –For offices Get input for own office Be able to clean / structure own office –Home assignement
Contact or find soren ellegaard on LinkedIn Employees use up to 17% of their working time, to look for things in their own office (Compaq survey 2003)
Contact or find soren ellegaard on LinkedIn Order & structure? ”Creation of motivation”
Contact or find soren ellegaard on LinkedIn Overwelmed by daily load of paper? Stack of articles & magazines? Save papers etc, if you don’t when when you might use it again? Not really enough space on the desk to work? Business cards multiple places? Tells people NOT to touch thing on their desk Spend time looking for ”disappeared documents” Office where only can find things? Archive things – and forget where they are? Post-its & similar various places? Who dont know where to start? Test #1
Contact or find soren ellegaard on LinkedIn Before…2-3 hours later
Contact or find soren ellegaard on LinkedIn Before…2-3 hours later
Contact or find soren ellegaard on LinkedIn Mess / Order, what does it mean to … Motivation? Concentration? Performance?
Contact or find soren ellegaard on LinkedIn Whats the outcome of ”5 S” Improved order Improved concentration Performance Motivation Image Improved order Improved concentration Performance Motivation Image
Contact or find soren ellegaard on LinkedIn You can hide….!
Contact or find soren ellegaard on LinkedIn ”UNDERSTAND 5 S” Sort, set in order, shine, standardize & sustain
Contact or find soren ellegaard on LinkedIn 1 Sorting Sorting, archive, dump Evt. “doubt”-box 2. Set in order Everything has a place Easy structure 3. Shine Cleaning up 1 Sorting Sorting, archive, dump Evt. “doubt”-box 2. Set in order Everything has a place Easy structure 3. Shine Cleaning up 4 Standardize Standards & routines Best practice 5. Sustain Keeping standards Constant inprovement 5 minute 5 S 4 Standardize Standards & routines Best practice 5. Sustain Keeping standards Constant inprovement 5 minute 5 S What does the ”5 S”s stand for?
Contact or find soren ellegaard on LinkedIn The 5S game Find what you need in 30’
Contact or find soren ellegaard on LinkedIn Find what you need in 30 seconds! The order game 5S
Contact or find soren ellegaard on LinkedIn Round 1 ”The mess” 1.Next slide shows numbers from Count from 1 and up to 49 by finding the numbers on the slide 3.You have 30 seconds 4.When time is up note what number you just counted The order game 5S
Contact or find soren ellegaard on LinkedIn Round 2 ”Sorting” 1.The irrelevant numbers are eliminated 2.Position of rest of numbers is identical to before 3.Count from 1 and up to 49 by finding the numbers on the slide 4.You have 30 seconds 5.When time is up note what number you just counted The order game 5S
Contact or find soren ellegaard on LinkedIn Round 3 ”Set in an order” 1.Next slide shows numbers from 1-49, identical position 2.They are systemized by a grid with 9 areas 3.You have 30 seconds 4.When time is up note what number you just counted The order game 5S
Contact or find soren ellegaard on LinkedIn Round 4 ”Standardize” 1.Next slide shows numbers from 1-49, identical position 2.They are systemized in an easy recognisable pattern 3.You have 30 seconds 4.When time is up note what number you just counted The order game 5S
Contact or find soren ellegaard on LinkedIn Round 5+ ”Sustaining without standard” 1.Next slide shows numbers from Except 2 numbers are missing 3.Find the missing numbers The order game 5S
Contact or find soren ellegaard on LinkedIn Round 6 ”Sustaining with open standard” 1.Next slide shows numbers from 1-49,systemized! 2.Except 2 numbers are missing 3.Find the missing numbers The order game 5S
Contact or find soren ellegaard on LinkedIn 1 Sorting Sorting, archive, dump Evt. “doubt”-box 2. Set in order Everything has a place Easy structure 3. Shine Cleaning up 1 Sorting Sorting, archive, dump Evt. “doubt”-box 2. Set in order Everything has a place Easy structure 3. Shine Cleaning up 4 Standardize Standards & routines Best practice 5. Sustain Keeping standards Constant inprovement 5 minute 5 S 4 Standardize Standards & routines Best practice 5. Sustain Keeping standards Constant inprovement 5 minute 5 S What does the ”5 S”s stand for?
Contact or find soren ellegaard on LinkedIn Why 5S ? ”What happens when 5S is used? Have a wild guess…
Contact or find soren ellegaard on LinkedIn 1.SORT Dump, save, archive
Contact or find soren ellegaard on LinkedIn What goes where ? ① Stays in the office ② Goes to archive (own/mutual) ③ Is dumped - What are potential criteria?
Contact or find soren ellegaard on LinkedIn 3 Before…
Contact or find soren ellegaard on LinkedIn Remote area – find X errors
Contact or find soren ellegaard on LinkedIn Remote area – find X errors
Contact or find soren ellegaard on LinkedIn Working area (!) – find X errors
Contact or find soren ellegaard on LinkedIn What goes where ? ① Stays in the office ② Goes to archive (own/mutual) ③ Is dumped - What are potential criteria?
Contact or find soren ellegaard on LinkedIn Tip :”Touch and go” First & get a hold of EVERYTHING in the office. 1)Dump or save? 1)What are YOUR criteria? 2)What will you ask yourself about? 1)Save 1)The ONLY copy – or very hard to get a new 2)Legislative demands 3)Part of a customer/project file 4)Need it again REAL soon 2)Dump 1)It is a copy, or others have the information 2)Very (!) old – or won’t make a difference 3)Won´t (ever!) get time for it 3)Archive 1)Important stuff that you dont use regularly 2)Customer files & - projects 3)… 4)Touch = deal with it now (RAR)
Contact or find soren ellegaard on LinkedIn TIP : go for Remote Zone first Begin with the remote zone and work towards the desk (Typically the area behind/around you Find a BIG plastic bag – or several Make space to sort on Begin with the oldeststuff Easier to dump Get success experience The ”Clint eastwood” way Put ALL your stuff on the floor – ALL of it (!) ONLY put stuff back that you need Dump or archive rest
Contact or find soren ellegaard on LinkedIn Office areas… 3 2 1
Contact or find soren ellegaard on LinkedIn Your Offices
Contact or find soren ellegaard on LinkedIn 2. SET IN ORDER What goes where
Contact or find soren ellegaard on LinkedIn What would YOU place where ? ① Desktop / working area ② Close archive ③ Remote archive (own/mutual) - What are potential criteria?
Contact or find soren ellegaard on LinkedIn Primary zone = city logistics! How’s your logistics lay out? –PC, shelves, phone, drawers? –Match of usage frequency? What should be here…
Contact or find soren ellegaard on LinkedIn Archive Make a (your) system – alphabetic, chronologic, frequency of use fx Use binders, labels, tabs What are YOUR main areas of work/filing? Re-arrange / group 1)Put similar things together 2)Make new efficient, practical system 1)Fx after how often you use things KEEP ORGANIZING! … do NOT work/read the materials now! Tip : Archive & arrange
Contact or find soren ellegaard on LinkedIn TIP : binders Handle ALL papers in binders –Evaluate, sort, dump, regroup Put new labels on –”wide” category names –Short, easy nouns –Fill binders or use other filing system Group in file types –Projects –Administration –…”pending” –Pictures / icons on back Pick up and (re-) sort regularly
Contact or find soren ellegaard on LinkedIn 3. SHINE Good old cleaning up
Contact or find soren ellegaard on LinkedIn What happens when… - You clean regularly to - You? performance concentation motivation - Other around you ? perception standards
Contact or find soren ellegaard on LinkedIn Clean ”what would be the most efficient cleaning cycle & frequency for you?”
Contact or find soren ellegaard on LinkedIn 4. STANDARDIZE Best practise for all
Contact or find soren ellegaard on LinkedIn Make / ensure standards & best practices Make standards For office outline Traffic & logistics For document management Stay, archive, dump Internal procedures Incorporate in daily jobs How to implement ”best practice” Choose ” BP agent” / procedure
Contact or find soren ellegaard on LinkedIn 5. SUSTAIN The 5 minute 5 S
Contact or find soren ellegaard on LinkedIn 5 minute of 5 S – every day / week Sort –Remove unnecessary items to holding area –Throw out trash, garbage –Red tag/mark all that yo are unsure of Set in order –Check standard area map –Move all items to proper place Shine –Clean desktop & equipment –Pick up all ”stuff” on ground / horisontal areas Standardize –Check maintenance schedule & perform task Sustain –Make sure next ”5 min 5S” is in calendar
Contact or find soren ellegaard on LinkedIn Your work can start now
Contact or find soren ellegaard on LinkedIn Goal : Know 5 s principle –For offices Get input for own office Be able to clean / structure own office –Home assignement