Dr. Thierry Goger – Science Officer IFER - Integrated Fire Engineering and Response Kick-Off Meeting COST Action TU 0904
Transport and Urban Development Domain (TUD) Dr. Thierry GOGER Science Officer Office: +32 (0) Carmencita Malimban Administrative Officer Office: +32 (0) COST Office 149 avenue Louise, 1050 Brussels, Belgium Home page: Fax: +32 (0) COST Office Contact Points
Welcome Welcome Adoption of the agenda Adoption of the agenda Presentation of the delegations Presentation of the delegations General information on COST mechanism and on the funding of coordination General information on COST mechanism and on the funding of coordination Satus of the Action Satus of the Action Agreement on the internal rules of procedure for the MC Agreement on the internal rules of procedure for the MC Election of the Chair and Vice Chair Election of the Chair and Vice Chair AGENDA
Working plan for the implementation of the COST Action Working plan for the implementation of the COST Action –Objectives and working group –Working method / organisation & management –Distribution of tasks and election of WG leaders –Time table Budget plan Budget plan Place & date of next meeting Place & date of next meeting Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Closing Closing AGENDA
MC = Management Committee COST OFFICE COMMITTEE OF SENIOR OFFICIALS (CSO) COST National Coordinators 9 COST Domain Committees COST Actions (~200) TUD …… ….. …….. WORKING GROUPS (NETWORKS) …… ~ researchers Scientific Domain ……. Council COST Secretariat WG MC COST Governance
What is a COST Action? A COST Action WG MC WG
What is a COST Action? A COST Action WG MC Management Committee: Up to 2 representatives per COST country Responsible for: Management of the scientific & technical research production within the COST Action WG
What is a COST Action? A COST Action WG MC Working Group: Up to 2 representatives per COST country per WG (depending on the budget available) MC members or other scientists from the Parties invited experts / speakers (workshops / conferences) members from non-COST institutes Responsible for: Production and exchange of Research WG
What is a Domain Committee? TUD Scientific Domain WG MC
TUD Scientific Domain WG MC Domain Committee: 1 representative per COST country Responsible for: Responsible for: selection of new Actions monitoring of ongoing Actions evaluation of completed Actions dissemination and valorisation of COST activities strategic developments synergies What is a Domain Committee?
MC = Management Committee 9 COST Domain Committees COST Actions (~200) TUD …… ….. …….. WORKING GROUPS (NETWORKS) …… ~ researchers Scientific Domain ……. WG MC COST Actions & Domain Committes
COMMITTEE OF SENIOR OFFICIALS (CSO) COST National Coordinators Council COST Secretariat What is the CSO ?
COMMITTEE OF SENIOR OFFICIALS (CSO) COST National Coordinators Council COST Secretariat CSO: 2 representatives per COST Country Responsible for: the overall strategy and steering of COST deciding on the launching of individual Actions approving participation of institutes from non-COST countries approving the prolongation/extension of Actions What is the CSO ?
MC = Management Committee COST OFFICE COMMITTEE OF SENIOR OFFICIALS (CSO) COST National Coordinators 9 COST Domain Committees COST Actions (~200) TUD …… ….. …….. WORKING GROUPS (NETWORKS) …… ~ researchers Scientific Domain ……. Council COST Secretariat WG MC COST OFFICE
The 27 EU Member States EFTA Member States Iceland Norway Switzerland Acceding & Candidate Countries Croatia Acceding & Candidate Countries Croatia FYR of Macedonia (FYROM)* Turkey Other Countries Bosnia and Herzegovina Republic of Serbia * Republic of Serbia * COST Co-operating States Israel * not associated with FP COST Countries 36 COST Countries
COST and the Neighbouring Countries ● Special budget line in the COST system to facilitate collaborations ● Specific exchange activities (Short Term Scientific Missions, focus on Early Stage Researchers) In 2009: 90 participations in 45 Actions COST countries COST neighbouring countries TUNISIA GEORGIA Ukraine (17) Russia (41) Algeria (3) Azerbaijan (1) Tunisia (7) Georgia (5) Egypt (4) Morocco (2) Moldova (5) Albania (1) Palestinian auth. (1) Armenia (2) Lebanon (1) Belarus (1)
251 participations in 103 Actions (36 countries) COST countries Neighbouring countries Reciprocal agreements countries COST Actions: Global participation
Participation from non-COST countries based on mutual benefit Participation from non-COST countries based on mutual benefit Normally the COST Office does not reimburse participants from non-COST country institutions, exepted for: Normally the COST Office does not reimburse participants from non-COST country institutions, exepted for: –Institutions from Near Neighbour countries (Balkan countries; Mediterranean countries; European NIS) –Institutions from countries which have a reciprocal agrement with the COST Office (Australia and New Zeland) Non COST Countries
Nature of Research Innovation/ Exploitation Basic Research Applied Research COST
Policies ProjectsProgrammes Coordination of Research FP 7
Top-Down Selection process Bottom-Up FP COST
~ 20 Actions, ~ 1000 Organisations ~ 20 Actions, ~ 1000 Organisations Co-ordinating Long Term Research on Co-ordinating Long Term Research on –Sustainable Transport and Urban Planning Policy –Design of Structure Systems and Development of Urban Infrastructures –Urban Architecture and Civil Constructions –The Management of the Transport Systems, Infrastructures and Urban Structures Relationship with European Programmes in the relevant fields Relationship with European Programmes in the relevant fields COST-TUD
TUD in COST Urban Land Use & Development Transport Systems & Infrastructures Architecture & Design Civil Engineering
TUD in COST Urban Land Use & Development Transport Systems & Infrastructures Environmental Sustainability Safety Services Architecture & Design Civil Engineering Traffic monitoring Intelligent transport Pedestrians Flood management Carbon reduction Urban dynamics Sustainable construction Social sustainability Robustness of Structures Urban Onthologies Environmental impacts of transport Safety Land management 3D City models Shrinking Cities Phase change materials Mobility
COST-TUD Portfolio Urban Land Use & Development Transport Systems & Infrastructures Architecture & Design Civil Engineering 356, 357, 358, TU0603, TU0702, C23, C24, C26, TU0601 C20, C22, C27, TU0602, TU0801, TU0803 C21, C25, TU0802
COST-TUD Link with other Domains ISH ISH –Safety –Social sustainability ICT ICT –Safety –Services –Intelligent transport ESSEM ESSEM –Environmental Sustainability –Road pavements
FP7: mainly to support research in itself FP7: mainly to support research in itself COST: to support the coordination costs of the research networks (Actions) COST: to support the coordination costs of the research networks (Actions) –Dissemination of research projects –Synergy between research projects –Development of news ideas and proposals to FP COST 357 « Multi-experimental head model for ergonomics of transport » (Next call in Safety)COST 357 « Multi-experimental head model for ergonomics of transport » (Next call in Safety) Complementarities FP7 / COST
Networks of Excellence Networks of Excellence –HUMANIST – COST 352 Joint Technology Initiatives (JTIs) Joint Technology Initiatives (JTIs) –Hydrogen and fuel cells COST 346COST 346 Complementarities FP7 / COST
~ 25% Early Stage Scientists in COST Actions ~ 25% Early Stage Scientists in COST Actions –358: 35 % –C25: 30 % 15% of TUD COST Actions managed by scientists under 40 years old. 15% of TUD COST Actions managed by scientists under 40 years old. ~ 3 STSMs/Action/Year ~ 3 STSMs/Action/Year Last Open call: Last Open call: –25 % of pre-proposals = Early stage researchers –20% of full proposals = Early stage researchers Early Stage scientist network (of 10 participants) Early Stage scientist network (of 10 participants) –C20 –TU0602 Early Stage Researchers’ Activities
Science management meetings (MC + WG) Science management meetings (MC + WG) Scientific workshops Scientific workshops Short Term Scientific Missions (STSMs) Short Term Scientific Missions (STSMs) Training Schools Training Schools Early Stage Research Grant Early Stage Research Grant Dissemination Dissemination What is funded by COST?
Example of Budget Plan –Meeting travel costs EUR –Workshop support EUR –STSM3.000 EUR –Publication4.000 EUR Sub-total EUR Secretariat max. 15 % of expenses EUR Total EUR COST GRANT SYSTEM
Web-Based IT Tool Web-Based IT Tool –Principles Supporting tool for grant holder: print attendance list; manage Instruments (meeting, STSMs …)Supporting tool for grant holder: print attendance list; manage Instruments (meeting, STSMs …) On line reportingOn line reporting –Objectives : Sharing of Scientific information (search on key- words)Sharing of Scientific information (search on key- words) Dissemination of informationDissemination of information –In the future Training for grantholders by COST StaffTraining for grantholders by COST Staff Userguide for grantholdersUserguide for grantholders COST GRANT SYSTEM
Which Domain are running COST grants ? ICT Domain : 21 grants ESSEM Domain : 2 grants ESSEM Domain : 2 grants ISCH Domain : 3 grants ISCH Domain : 3 grants
CountryinstitutionCOST Action BESCK-CEN, Mol270 CH EPFL Lausanne219ter ETH Zurich294 ; 295 DE Forschungsgemeinschaft Funk e.V281 IEM274 Max-Planck-Institut fur Astrophysik282 Rhein-Westfalische Technische Hochschule293 DK Aalborg University278 ASC Antenna Systems Consultant Aps284 UF Data Analysis280 ES Universidad Carlos III de Madrid276 Universitat de BarcelonaA34 Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya277 FI Liekki Oy299 Tamepere University of Technology290 Who runs a COST grant ?
FR CNRS, ParisA35 INPT272 GRAthens Information Technology Centre291 HUCentral European University, BudapestA30 IT Firenze Tecnologia287 Universita' di Pavia288 PLInstitute of Meteorology and Water Management726 PTInstituto Superior Tecnico273 ; 279 SIUniversity of Ljubljana298 TR Hacettepe University289 TUBITAK285 UK NERC, Swindon624 Queen Mary's University of London292 Queen's University Belfast283 Rutherford Appleton Labs296 University of Hertfordshire275 University of York286 ; 297 Who runs a COST grant ?
Action details Action details –MoU: 284/09 –CSO Approval: 02/12/2009 –End of Action: 28/03/2014 –DC Rapporteur: Professor Charalampos BANIOTOPOULOS –Chair: ? –WebSite: ? Parties: Parties: –Acceptances : 13 –Intentions to accept: 2 Status of the Action
Annual progress monitoring report Annual progress monitoring report –Next one: 08/05/2010 –Template available at =422&tx_ttnews[backPid]=238&cHash=934da57e8f =422&tx_ttnews[backPid]=238&cHash=934da57e8f =422&tx_ttnews[backPid]=238&cHash=934da57e8f Annual DC rapporteur monitoring report Annual DC rapporteur monitoring report –Next one: 08/05/2010 –Template available at Annual monitoring Conference Annual monitoring Conference –15-16/06/2010 –Oral presentation or posters session (by the chairs) –Public event –Template available at =423&tx_ttnews[backPid]=238&cHash=e45711cb43 =423&tx_ttnews[backPid]=238&cHash=e45711cb43 =423&tx_ttnews[backPid]=238&cHash=e45711cb43Monitoring
Transport and Urban Development Domain (TUD) Thierry GOGER Science Officer Office: +32 (0) Carmencita Malimban Administrative Officer Office: +32 (0) COST Office 149 avenue Louise, 1050 Brussels, Belgium Home page: Fax: +32 (0) COST Office Contact Points