Polymers Starter: What do the following substances have in common? How are they different? – Plastic kettle – Plastic soldiers – A light plastic bottle – A heavy plastic pipe Extension: What is a polymer? How are they made? SimilaritiesDifferences
Polymerisation recap Watch the demonstration using atomscope to recap polymerisation
Learning outcomes State that the properties of polymers depend on what they are made from and the conditions under which they are made. Describe how thermosoftening plastics are different from thermohardening. HT Only: Explain the properties of thermosoftening polymers in terms of intermolecular forces.
Key words Thermosetting Thermosoftening Cross linking Intermolecular forces Low density poly(ethene)LDPE High density poly(ethene)HDPE
What causes this difference? Plastic kettle Melted plastic army men
_______________ polymers melt when heated. _____________ polymers do not melt when they are heated. Copy and complete the sentences below with either the words ‘thermosoftening’ or ‘thermosetting’ Thermosoftening Thermosetting
So, are these plastics thermosoftening or thermosetting? Plastic kettle Melted plastic army men Thermosoftening Thermosetting
__________________ polymers consist of individual, tangled polymer chains. _______________ polymers consist of polymer chains with cross-links between them so that they do not melt when they are heated. Copy and complete the sentences below with either the words ‘thermosoftening’ or ‘thermosetting’ Thermosoftening Thermosetting
Thermosoftening Thermosetting So, are these plastics thermosoftening or thermosetting?
Thermoplastics in art and technology Watch this video and listen to see what kind of plastic the artist uses: Design & Technology - Thermoplastics - BBC Learning Why do you think she uses this kind of plastic ?
How are these different? Why might this be?
The bottles on the left are made of Low Density Polyethelene (LDPE), which is lighter but less strong. The pipe on the right is made of High Density Polyethelene (HDPE), which is heavier and stronger.
Diagrams from:
Task Draw labelled diagrams showing: 1.thermosoftening plastics 2.thermosetting plastics 3.LDPE (low density polyethene) 4.HDPE (high density polyethene) GCSE Bitesize diagrams can be found on: srev3.shtml