ACADEMIC READING Reading for Speed and Content 1
Lecture Structure: Introduction to Academic Reading Scanning Skimming Studying Tips for success 2
Introduction to Academic Reading: Academic reading is a process, a journey rather than a destination. Efficient and effective academic reading will allow you to quickly answer these questions: How do you tell if a document is relevant? How do you identify relevant sections? How do you quickly find the information you require? How do you cut short overly long articles? 3
Introduction to Academic Reading: This lecture focuses on three techniques to help you improve your academic reading process: Scanning Skimming Studying 4
Scanning: Scanning is about finding key words, phrases and numbers in a text. It helps to: Quickly find references to key ideas/theories/dates throughout a text. Aids selection of reference material for research assignments. 5
Scanning techniques: Brainstorm key words/phrases Seek specific words Keep a visual image of words in mind Remember numbers can be presented in numerals as well as words Read highlighted, underlined, or italicised words Read sections around key words 6
Skimming: Skimming is a way to quickly understand what a text’s central points are. It helps to: Quickly review of a document for basic comprehension Determine the relevance of an article May be useful for revision Skim additional texts by particular authors 8
Skimming techniques: 9 Read the title Read the introduction and conclusion Read the abstract Read the first sentence of each paragraph
Studying: 10 Studying is a careful, attentive way of reading which allows for the most comprehension. Some tips for studying are: Scan and skim the test first Avoid re-reading sentences Avoid sub-vocalising Take breaks
Tips for success: Reading journal articles: Read the abstract If no abstract is available, read the introduction and concluding paragraphs 11
12 Abstract Since the publication of Horowitz’s Ethnic Groups in Conflict, comparative political scientists have increasingly converged on their classification of ethnic identities. But there is no agreement on the definition that justifies this classification—and the definitions that individual scholars propose do not match their classifications. I propose a definition that captures the conventional classification of ethnic identities in comparative political science to a greater degree than the alternatives. According to this definition, ethnic identities are a subset of identity categories in which membership is determined by attributes associated with, or believed to be associated with, descent (described here simply as descent-based attributes). I argue, on the basis of this definition, that ethnicity either does not matter or has not been shown to matter in explaining most outcomes to which it has been causally linked by comparative political scientists. These outcomes include violence, democratic stability, and patronage.
Tips for success: 13 Reading books: Read the dust jacket for relevant content Contents page for relevant chapters Check chapter and section headings and sub-headings Read the first and last paragraph of relevant chapters/sections for an overview of content Study only relevant chapters, skim the rest for relevant information Scholarly book reviews provide succinct synopses
Tips for success: 14 Reading reports: Check executive summary or foreword Review the table of contents for separate chapters on analysis and data
Tips for Success: Avoid distractions. Skim all documents to get the gist Study texts for the greatest comprehension Scan documents for small items of information Skim reading highlights areas for further study Check scholarly book reviews for book synopses 15