After School Programs for Green Dot Public Schools Why we needed them, what they needed to look like, and how they changed our schools
The Need for After School Programs
Problem Statement Despite notable academic results and a history of success, Green Dot schools were missing a fundamental component of the school experience: EXTRACURRICULAR PROGRAMS
Why this is a problem 15% of Green Dot students failed to graduate with their class in % of Green Dot students reported wanting to be able to take classes in arts, athletics, and other enrichment/elective areas. 44% of Green Dot students do not have a safe place open for them between 3-6 PM. - Internal Needs Assessment Survey, Oct 2008.
After School Programs will Improve Our Schools on Every Level Improve average daily attendance Improve academic performance Make students safer and healthier Help students discover their passions Better prepare students for college, career, and leadership Involve the local community in our schools
Multiple studies across the country have shown that students who participate in after school programs attend school more regularly than their non-participating peers. -Afterschool Alliance, 2007 After School Programs Improve Average Daily Attendance
After School Programs Improve Academic Performance 43% of students in after school programs improved their grades in English. 42% of students in after school programs improved their grades in math. -Learning Point Associates, November 2007
After School Programs Make Students Safer and Healthier 30% Less likely to participate in criminal activities than their peers who did not attend the programs. -YMCA of the USA, March Times less likely to use marijuana or other drugs. - UCLA National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards and Student Testing, September 2007 Students in after school programs are….
Program Structure
Green Dot Must Offer After School Programs To Fulfill our Mission College SAT Prep Academic tutoring CAHSEE Boot Camps College Trips Leadership Community Service Mentorship Student government Public speaking & advocacy Life Career prep Athletics Arts Peer counseling Outdoor activities We promise to prepare all students for: Our students will miss out on these opportunities without these programs.
We can create programs that meet the needs of all stakeholders Students Principals Parents Athletics Arts Career development Spirit activities The opportunity to request, choose, & lead their own programs. CAHSEE prep for at- risk students SAT prep Academic intervention programs Improve daily attendance Provide safe place for teens in afternoon hours Help prepare students to get jobs Better position kids for college
Program Structure To receive federal grants for after school programs, we must structure program offerings to include the following on a daily basis: Academic support Athletic activities Enrichment programs 1 2 3
The Core Program* COLLEGE LEADERSHIP LIFE -CAHSEE Boot Camp -SAT Prep -Tutoring -College essay writing -College trips -AP class -Leadership program -Mentorship -Student-led clubs -Teambuilding -Community service -Peer mentoring -Career development -Arts programs -Athletics -Graphic design -Outdoor activities -Camping trips -Language classes *Programs vary by school based on local student demand.
Students will be able to choose their own program offerings Each after school program will include a student leadership team who will be responsible for: Surveying classmates to gauge interest and demand for programs Selecting programs based on student demand Publicizing programs and recruiting others to attend Students will attend and feel ownership over the programs that they create!
Because our staff are focused on teaching, we can bring in partners to provide and manage the programs Take advantage of expertise and resources Involve the local community in our schools Locke Main Campus The Watts-Willowbrook Boys & Girls Club Founding Five & Jefferson Schools Champions Adventure & After School Programs Locke Independent Schools The Watts Labor Community Action Committee (WLCAC)
Organizational Structure Green Dot Director of After School Programs Partner organization: Champions Partner organization: Boys and Girls Club Partner organization: WLCAC Regional Program Manager School Site Directors LEAODLH VENBUN JUSSLA LCA and small academies ALT WAT
Boot Camp Programs Have Increased Student Pass Rates on the CA High School Exit Exam SchoolELA Effect of Prep (participants vs. non participants) Math Effect of Prep (participants vs. non participants) Watts points Ralph Bunche (Champions)+ 16 points points South LA (Champions) points- Oscar De La Hoya (Champions)-+2.3 points Locke Tech+5.33 points+6.12 points Venice (Champions) points Locke points-2.2 points Locke points+7.25 points Locke points- Jackie Robinson points-6.83 points Pat Brown (Champions)+7.75 points-7.24 points Average+6.06 points+7.51 points
Our SAT Prep Program Reduced the Number of Low Performers
94% of Green Dot students attended after school programs in
Locke Cyber Patriots Finished in the Top 12 in the Nation Locke participated in a national competition called Cyber Patriot, a program of the US Dept. of Defense which challenges student teams to protect US Government computers from hackers. The team from Locke finished in the Top 12 out of more than 280 teams in their first year competing. They were completely self-taught. Students on the team received laptops, college scholarships, and even got internship offers at Northrup Grumman because of their success. Locke students were flown to Washington D.C. to compete in the national finals.
These are just some of the many benefits that these programs have brought to the lives of 8,000 youth in Los Angeles. Follow our blog to see what we’re up to next!