Engaging in the Personhood of Christ: A Missional Framework for Student Ministry
Challenges in Student Ministries Today
Engaged with God’s Heart: Why is missions so important?
“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” - Genesis 1:1 (NIV)
Engaged with God’s Heart: Why is missions so important? God’s mission is borne out of His love for creation and His desire to be in a relationship with His created beings. The doctrine of creation declares ownership. This is why it is important, as Christians, to understand God’s heart.
Engaged with God’s Heart: Why is missions so important? missio Dei: The mission of God “Mission is not primarily an activity of the church, but an attribute of God. God is a missionary God.” - David Bosch, Transforming Mission
Engaged with God’s Heart: Why is missions so important? “We find missio Dei in Scripture: God the Father sends the Son and the Spirit into the world, and the Father, Son, and Spirit send the church into the world for the sake of the world. In other words, mission does not originate with the church but it is derived from the very nature of God.” - JR Woodward, Creating a Missional Culture
Engaged with the great commission: What is the role of the church in missions? “...the church acts for the world of humanity in its holy priesthood, and can never, therefore, forget mission. As holy priests gathered, the church represents the world to God. Furthermore, as royal priests scattered, the church mediates the presence of God in the world, spreading shalom and inviting people into reconciliation with God so that they may become Christian and fully human.” - Ross Hastings, Missional God: Missional Church
Engaged with the great commission: What is the role of the church in missions? “The church that is true to its mission to participate with the triune God in his mission to the world, by being the image of the Trinity in the world, will have a profound sense of engagement with the world of people and the public square and culture and culture-making and creation care.” - Ross Hastings, Missional God: Missional Church
How do we develop a 'missional' framework for student ministries?
a) Understand the role and meaning of 'discipleship' “We see that a disciple is one who: Is following Christ (head) Is being changed by Christ (heart) Is committed to the mission of Christ (hands)” -Jim Putman and Bobby Harrington, Discipleshift
How do we develop a 'missional' framework for student ministries? “The problem with a youth ministry of influence is that, thought it purports to be relational, it ironically destroys the possibility of relationality.” - Andrew Root
How do we develop a 'missional' framework for student ministries? “...the humanity of Christ reveals that God desires more than influence. God desires to represent us, to stand fully in our place, to share our place in the fullness of its ugliness, tragedy, and death. It is only in representing us, in being human for us, that we can ourselves be human and therefore in relationship with God. Relationships are more than a tool, a means, but rather are the end, the objective of God’s ministry of enfleshment.” - Andrew Root
How do we develop a 'missional' framework for student ministries? b) Facilitate meaningful and purposeful programs and events that will help the students develop Christ-like attitudes
How do we develop a 'missional' framework for student ministries? c) Usage of opportunities of 'cognitive disequilibrium'
How do we develop a 'missional' framework for student ministries?
What does a missional framework for student ministries accomplish? Students who have a balance between inward and outward focus Students who have developed a Christ-like heart towards God's people Students who are equipped to participate in God's mission wherever they are and wherever they go Students who have developed a truly biblical worldview Students who are able to interact with current youth culture with proper discernment Students who are given a sense of purpose in life