SYS366 Week 6 - Lecture 1 Business Use Cases: How to Identify them & How to Document them
Today Identifying Business Use Cases Documenting Business Use Cases
Business Use Cases documents a case of using the business system and the actors who use it. “An abstract form of use case that is independent of the concrete possibilities and requirements for its (IT-related) implementation.” * *Developing Software with UML: Object-Oriented Analysis and Design in Practice, Bernd Oestereich, p. 72.
Business Use Cases Narrative: A car rental company wants a new Information System to handle vehicle reservations, rentals, and billing. The new system will provide all functions directly related to handling customers. These include customer information, reservations, vehicle rental, and customer billing. Internal Accounting, Product Planning, Vehicle Transfer are not part of the system.
Vehicle Rental Use Case diagram
Today Identifying Business Use Cases Documenting Business Use Cases
Documenting Business Use Cases To document a business use case, include the following: Name of the use case Short description Actor(s) – role played to interact with use case Trigger – what started the use case Result(s) e.g. Actor’s goal satisfied
Documenting Business Use Cases A template is to be used to document a Business Use Case. Format of the template: Business Use Case Name: The name this business use case has been given. Short Description: A brief description of what this business use case does. Actors: The names of the person or persons who use or are affected by this business use case. Trigger: What causes this business use case to start Results: What is the output of this business use case How does it satisfy the actor’s goal
Documenting Business Use Cases Example: Reserve Vehicle Business Use Case. * Business Use Case Name: Reserve Vehicle Short Description: A customer reserves a vehicle for a defined period. Actors: Customer, Call Centre Employee Trigger: A Customer would like to reserve a vehicle. Results: Vehicle Reservation, reservation confirmation. *Developing Software with UML, Object-oriented Analysis and Design in Practice, Bernd Oestereich, p. 73.
Documenting Business Use Cases Example: Complete Vehicle Rental Contract Business Use Case. * Business Use Case Name: Complete Vehicle Rental Contract Short Description: A reserved vehicle is handed over to a customer for his/her use. Actors: Customer, Rental agent, Vehicle Transfer Staff Trigger: A Customer would like to pick up a reserved vehicle. Results: Rental contract was completed, vehicle keys were handed over. *Developing Software with UML, Object-oriented Analysis and Design in Practice, Bernd Oestereich, p. 73.
Prep for WP2 create a .doc file for each business use case relate it to the Business Use Case in your Rational Rose model do the Use Case Descriptions for your Business Use Cases