Company "ECO" Services (ТОВ “ЕКО”) Company "ECO" (ТОВ “ЕКО”)
Services Environmental auditing Air Protection Protection of water bodies Waste Management Assessing the impact of physical factors Development of methodology and software Data collection and maintenance of databases Certification jobs The scientific study of the effects of pollution on the population Assessing the impact of facilities on the environment
services Air Protection Emissions inventory Appraisal of standards for maximum allowable emissions for businesses Development of instruments for emission permits Elaboration of instruments for emission permits Other: Working out activities to reduce emissions. Monitoring of compliance MPE. Certification of dust and gas cleaning facilities. Certification of ventilation systems and their adjustment. The calculations of payments for air pollution. Measurements of emissions of pollutants. Measurements of physical factors. Determination of the background concentrations. Zoning in the degree of air pollution. Inventory of traffic. Estimation of emissions for traffic. Evaluation of noise pollution of the traffic. The survey of enterprises which emit greenhouse gases.
Services Protection of water objects Creating documents for permits on special water use The working out passports of facilities for cleaning and desinfection of wastewater Measurements of chemicals in industrial wastewater discharges Assessment of pollution of water objects (Dnipro, small rivers, reservoirs) Evaluation of contamination of sediments in the river Dnipro
Services Assessing the impact of physical factors Measuring the intensity of the effect of physical factors on the environment and population. Collection, storage, creating and maintaining databases on the intensity of physical fields (radiation, acoustic noise, electromagnetic radiation) Zoning of the city by the intensity of the influence of various physical factors. Evaluation of noise pollution acoustic environment on highways. Classification streets in intensity noise Development of noise maps, noise pollution forecasting Collection and analysis of data on radioactive materials, ionizing radiation, radioactive waste. Maintain databases on the concentration of radioactive substances in water and sediments of the Dnipro River.
Services Waste Management Development of draft permits and limits on the generation and disposal of waste in the environment Development of register maps of objects creating, processing and disposal of waste Development of passports of waste disposal sites
Services Certification jobs Drawing benchmark passports for jobs companies Drawing pictures of the day in the workplace Conducting of instrumental measurements in the working area Protocols for the analysis of various factors: - Chemical; - Physical; - Psychophysiological