The following web site/s will give you more information about the issue assigned to your group. You can also search other internet sites, newspaper or books for additional information if you wish. Make sure you work on the assigned topic to your group. A.Sustainability of Parramatta River: Highlight the URL address below, right click and click ‘Open Hyperlink’ to open. Read and then complete activity (i) to (iv). oor_wq.h tm
(i) Look at column 3 of the table provided. Open Microsoft Word, create a new document and tally the issue/associated problems according to (a) risk to humans and animals, (b) environment. (ii) To be able to do (i) you need to create your own table (watch the video resource on ‘How to Create a Table’ (the first one is done for you): Issue/associ ated problems: Number of times it affects human’s/ animal’s health Number of times it affects the environment Sewage pollution lllll
(iii) Find students in your class who live around Parramatta River (if none choose students living around Parramatta River) and conduct a survey. Include the following question in your survey: (a) What is water pollution? (b) How do we know that the water is polluted? (c) Do you think water in Parramatta River is still clean or becoming polluted now? Give evidence/s. (d) Suggest at least 3 pollutants?
Stop here…...great job……congratulations! (iv) Create a table and record information from (d), then create a graph using Excel. Watch the video ‘How to create a graph’ to help you out.
B. Transport Issues in Parramatta Region: 8/IntegratedTransportPlan.pdf The Parramatta Twenty25 strategic plan identifies the importance of sustainable transport. (i) Identify the sustainable transport objectives for the city centre. (ii) Conduct an interview within your class and teachers to find out their mode of transport from home to school. Highlight the URL address below, right click and click ‘Open Hyperlink’ to open. Read and then complete activity (i) to (iv).
(iii) Create a table to show gathered information. Make sure you place your independent and dependent variables in the right columns. Go to the attached resources if you can not remember where to place independent and dependent variables. (iv) Using the table drawn in (iii), construct a column graph to represent the given information. Click the ‘Tips for drawing graphs’ resource document if you are not sure of which variables should be written under x-axis and y- axis.
C. Improving Multicultural Understanding: (i) Conduct a class survey to find out students’ country of birth. Use the attached resource document Multicultural Understanding ‘Sample Survey’ for conducting class survey (you can add more details). (ii) Tally the results and construct a table. Click the ‘Drawing table’ video resource document if you are not sure of which variables should be written under columns. Using the table drawn, construct a column graph to represent the given information. Click the ‘Tips for drawing graphs’ resource document if you are not sure of which variables should be written under x-axis and y-axis.
(iii) Highlight the URL address below, right click and click ‘Open Hyperlink’ to open. On the left hand side click ‘For Students’. Click the ‘Young Australians Talk’, move your cursor where the first girl is and listen to what they say. (iv) After watching, answer the questions: What does it feel like to belong? How do you know when you belong? Do you think Australia makes everyone feel that they belong? Stop here…...great job……congratulations!
E. Maintaining Heritage Sites in Parramatta Region: (i) Open Microsoft Word and create a new document. Copy the questions below and answer. (ii) Copy the questions below and answer: (a)How is Aboriginal Heritage protected in Parramatta? (b)Name some evidences if a particular properties contains an Aboriginal site? Navigate the site below to be able to complete your task. To navigate, highlight the URL address, right click and click ‘Open Hyperlink’.
(iii) There are 11 Heritage Conservation Areas within the Parramatta local government area. Make a list of these Conservation areas. (iv) Find a map of Parramatta and locate clearly on the map the position of these areas you have listed in (iii) and label them clearly. Stop here…...great job………congratulations!
F. Reducing Youth Related Crime: Navigate this site to be able to complete your task. To navigate, highlight the URL address below, right click and click ‘Open Hyperlink’. r/1-20/17/08_results/08h_parramatta.html (i)Read Table 78 (you need to scroll down the page to be able to see Table 78). This table tells you the number of offenders in Parramatta by age and gender.
(ii) Create a graph using Excel to show data found in Table 78. Watch the video if you do not know how to create a graph using Excel. (iii) The independent variable should be on the x-axis and make sure your graph has a title and labelled correctly. (iv) The dependent variable should be on the y-axis and make sure you label correctly. Listen to the audio if you cannot remember what independent and dependent variables are. Stop here…...great job………congratulations!
G. Increasing the Rate of Physical Activity in Youths: Navigate the site below to be able to complete your task. To navigate, highlight the URL address, right click and click ‘Open Hyperlink’. (i) Scroll down the page and make a list of sports and recreation available to everyone. (ii) Conduct a class survey to find out how many students are involve in sports and recreation. Use the attached video resource document Healthy Body and Mind ‘Sample Survey’ for conducting class survey (you need to add more questions).
Stop here…...great job………congratulations! (iv) Using the table drawn in (iii), construct a column graph to represent the given information. Click the ‘Tips for drawing graphs’ resource document if you are not sure of which variables should be written under x-axis and y-axis. (iii) Tally the results and construct a table. Click the ‘Drawing table’ resource document if you are not sure of which variables should be written under columns.