Presented by: Laura Gmeinder Coaching & Consulting, LLC Your WORK. Your LIFE. Your TERMS. March 18, 2015 Dane County Association of Volunteer Management You EMPOWERED: Lead From Within to Sell Ideas and Influence the Process.
My road less traveled
Who is a leader?
Think about someone who inspires you. What is one trait they display that makes him/her a great leader?
Leader? (pic Taylor Swift)
Leader ≠ Title
How to Harness Your Awesome to Influence the Process.
What strengths do you possess that you can leverage to influence change?
Innovation = Change
Innovation= Exciting Change= Scary
Imposter Syndrome
Jedi Mind Tricks
Turn down the volume of your inner critic. Turn up your intuition.
Reframe your story. Flex your courage muscle.
Where to start?
1.Idea 2.Crowd Source 3.Crafting Your Message
Crafting your message: – Know yourself – Pros and cons – Review
Other ideas: Focus on WHY Plan B Bullet points Be YOU
Activity Bring the Action!
How to sell your idea.
1.In person 2.Be concise and to the point: – Time – Resources – Requirements
Keep in Mind…. – Body Language – Eye contact
Outcome: YES! Clear Direction Understand Expectation
Outcome: Maybe Ask open ended questions to find ways to change a “maybe” to a “YES!” – What seems to be the main obstacle? – Are there any additional factors to take into consideration? – What additional information is needed? – When would you like to revisit?
Outcome: No How to Overcome Objection.
Common Objection: “We’ve always done it this way!”
Common Objection: “It will take too much money/ time!”
Outcome: No Ask open ended questions: – What seems to be the main obstacle? – Are there additional factors to take into consideration? – What would make you change your no to a yes?
No isn’t always a no.
Yes, No, Maybe So…. Time to
Power Couple Practice & Confidence: Building on Your Wins
Life Lessons: What did you learn? Where are opportunities to improve?
Once upon a time….
Moral of the story? Sometimes your vision is just too BIG. A “no” isn’t a no to you, it’s a no to your idea.
Deep Thoughts: The value comes from the takeaways. What inspired you? How will you let today’s conversation impact tomorrow?
Thank you! Laura Gmeinder Coaching & Consulting, LLC Your WORK. Your LIFE. Your TERMS