NILS Science and Sustainability Marta Arregi Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain April 26, 2012, Bergen Tel
Programme operator Universidad Complutense de Madrid Background: NILS mobility project 2009 – 2011 Some NILS outputs NILS Science and Sustainability Aim and strategy Students’ mobility challenges: why to link EEA Grants to Erasmus scheme? Students’ mobility challenges: why to link EEA Grants to Erasmus scheme? Research: why to focus on Sustainabilty? Research projects should… Researchers’ mobility: challenges Measure: Students’ mobility Measure: Abel – Researchers Individual Mobility Measure: Abel – Researchers Coordinated Mobility Expected outputs Spanish universities and public research organisms NILS Science and Sustainability
Universidad Complutense de Madrid NILS Science and Sustainability Seven centuries of history Quick facts (2010 – 2011 academic year) Students: Teaching and research staff: Administrative and service staff: Budget 2010: 600 Mill. € Official degrees: 170 Complutense qualifications 179 Centers: 21 Faculties, 5 University Schools, 9 Associated Centres, 40 University Research Institutions, 8 Schools for Professional specialization, 4 Universtity Hospitals, 17 Research Assistance Centres, 39 University Residences. la energía de la diversidad
NILS Science and Sustainability Background NILS mobility project Jan 2009 – Apr 2011 General aims Increased cooperation between researchers/artists from Spain and from Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein To set up the basis for further cooperation schemes Increased cooperation concerning postdegree studies Increased number of LLP-Erasmus agreements Budget: euro Measures Degree students mobility (Erasmus scheme) Researchers mobility: focused on mathematics and connected disciplines
103 Spanish degree students moved 92, to 17 Norwegian HE institutions 11, to 3 Icelandic HE institutions 24 HE institutions involved 81 researchers moved 24 Spanish, 12 Norwegian, 5 Icelandic institutions involved 120 lectures, seminars, courses, talks, … 124 publications, exhibitions 20% of grantees, planning further cooperation NILS Science and Sustainability Background
Aim and Strategy To enhance human capital and knowledge base in Spain and in the DS by improving and deepening academic and research collaboration, promoting scientific research on strategic fields for human well-being and Earth sustainability. We will provide the opportunity for international training and research cooperation to researchers at different stages of their careers as well as the opportunity for degree and master students to make a part of their studies abroad. Degree and master students: Erasmus scheme. Researchers’ training and research co-operation : based both on individual and coordinated mobility schemes. Period: Summer 2012 – December 2015 EEA Grants Budget: € NILS Science and Sustainability
Students’ mobility challenges: why to link EEA grants to Erasmus scheme? Provides a proved solution for the main challenges for students’ mobility: – Recognition and accreditation of learning; – Support services such as academic guidance, language training, support for finding lodging, etc. – Provides access to some (although insufficient) funding; – Shared scheme: most of higher education institutions participate. – New cooperation agreements are easy to develop between higher education institutions and their centres. NILS Science and Sustainability
Research: Why to focus on Sustainability? Why to promote multidisciplinarity? Why to promote mathematics? Major human challenge: Earth and Human Sustainability ”Learning to live sustainably on Earth is going to require enormous advances in our understanding of the natural world and our relationship with it” “Doing so requires answering extremely complex, multi-disciplinary questions” ”To acquire such understanding, progress in mathematical sciences is essential, as ”almost every sustainability challenge we face requires mathematical tools” NILS Science and Sustainability
NILS Science and Sustainability Research projects within NILS S&S should: Be multidisciplinary or have a clear mathematical content Have a clear experimental scientific/technological approach Deal with problems related to Sustainability: climatic change and its impact on socioeconomic changes, … demography, population, migration flows,… natural resources (including renewable energies and sustainability), health (public and individual, population aging, …), social dynamics (i.e. social change, social phase transitions, resources distribution….), methodologies (modeling, simulation, validation….) Etc.
Reseacher’s mobility: challenges Common challenges: Internationalisation of research Increase of human resources and their competences in R&D Improvement of their mobility and stability Preventing drop out by PhD students;... Specific Spanish challenges: Low funding (and decreasing with the crisis) Brain drain Rigidity of existing funding mechanisms Rigid selection procedures High cost of life in DS NILS Science and Sustainability
Measure: Students mobility Calls addressed to HE institutions launched by UCM HE institutions will then launch their own calls Initial funding: euro Grant to students: 600 euro /month NILS Science and Sustainability
Measure: Abel Extraordinary Chair – Individual Mobility for Researchers Beneficiaries: researchers active in Universities and public research institutions, supported by their authorities Types of grants: predoctoral, postdoctoral, senior Applications must be supported by at least two institutions (one in Spain and the other in a DS) Applicants must submitt a common research activity plan Initial budget: euro NILS Science and Sustainability
Measure: Abel Extraordinary Chair – Coordinated Mobility for Researchers Beneficiaries: researchers groups active in Universities and public research institutions, supported by their authorities Applications must be supported by at least two institutions (one in Spain and the other in a DS) Participating groups must submitt a common research activity plan Projects may last up to 36 months Initial budget: euro NILS Science and Sustainability
Expected outputs 200 HE students benefiting from a NILS S&S Grant 30 HE institutions involved 90 researchers benefiting from a NILS S&S Grant 10 research groups involved in coordinated mobility schemes funded by NILS S&S 90 seminars, scientific publications and similars 20 forecasted joint project/activities/collaborations after NILS S&S completion NILS Science and Sustainability
List of Spanish universtities universitaria/que-estudiar-donde/universidades-espanolas.html Spanish public research organisms 34f09dfd ea0/?vgnextoid=a6cbc18d VgnVCM e 20aRCRD&lang_choosen=en NILS Science and Sustainability