The process of deciding what needs to be done and developing a plan and/or timeframe for getting it done. It is about establishing routines, setting goals, and understanding priorities. Part of the executive functioning skills set.
Awareness of the passage of time
Teach time Kids need an understanding of how time is made up Minutes Hours Use analog clocks Make an abstract concept visible Allows students to see the movement of time Also allows students to see how much time before next activity Use a stop watch or other audio reminder Create a sense of time passed
Autism Spectrum Disorders ADHD Interventions Visual Schedules Check lists / schedules Color coded priority lists Timers Practice time estimation
Create visible schedules / lists Schedules allow the students to see what is next and when Tasks lists allow students to see which tasks have higher priority Teach students to use planners Creates a way for students to prioritize tasks Helps teach planning for how much time to allow for each project Creates a visible schedule regarding all activities
The process of budgeting, saving, investing, spending or otherwise in overseeing the cash usage of an individual or group. Learning money and how to manage money is another difficult concept for all students to learn. Having a learning disability just increases this difficulty.
Dyscalculia simple computation reading and writing (larger) numbers and translating figures into words (and vice-versa) recognizing and understanding symbols choosing the appropriate operation for a particular problem identifying shapes using number lines and counting accurately (and backwards) telling the time and working out problems involving time doing mental calculations working out money calculations spotting patterns remembering steps in multi-stage processes. ADHD
Teach coin recognition and value Skip counting by 5’s and 10’s Model with real money Sorting Daily practice Introduce only a few coins at the beginning Work on adding values a few at a time also Flashcards / Visuals Parts / Fractions Purpose of Money Classroom Mini Economy
Learning or Attention Problem Challenges when Managing Money Impulsivity Problems with “impulse buying” Memory problems Difficulty remembering to record bank transactions Temporal (sense of time) Problems remembering to pay bills on time Organizational problems Difficulty gathering important items needed Distractibility Trouble maintaining concentration Visual discrimination Tendency to make errors in calculation Spatial issues Tendency to misalign Visual figure-ground problems Problems focusing on each line of statement Reading Trouble reading store signs, notices from bank, and contracts
Continue money value and calculating lessons Budgeting Skills Color coding Highlights Due dates Budgeting priorities Financial Graphic Organizers Two column charts Wants / Needs autism-symptoms autism-symptoms sequencing-and-prioritising.aspx sequencing-and-prioritising.aspx Grskovic, Janice A., Zentall, Sydney S.,Stormount-Spurgin, Melissa, (1995) Time Estimation and Planning Abilities: Students With and Without Disabilties.