Injeti Srinivas Joint Secretary, Sports & Chief Executive Officer National Dope Testing Laboratory New Delhi, India
History of NDTL Dope testing lab in India established in 1990 as Dope Control Centre under Sports Authority of India. Achieved ISO/IEC 17025:1999 accreditation in 2003 WADA accreditation in Sept Founder member of WADA Signed Copenhagen declaration-Jan 2005 Ratification of International Convention on Doping (UNESCO) -Nov 2007
History of NDTL Registered as a society under the Society Registration Act on 8th October Governing Council ----Chaired by Hon’ble Minister of Sports. General/Governing Council had its first meeting on Jan 2009 to monitor the requirement & achievements. The CEO,NDTL (Joint Secretary,Sports) has overall administrative control of NDTL. Scientific In-charge is Scientific Director,NDTL.
To be a leading WADA accredited laboratory in the area of dope testing … Incorporating; Implementation of – –An effective testing program to achieve detection of all possible doping agents. – – Research program that contributes to the world-wide Anti- doping effort
Chronological achievements of NDTL Modernization of lab in 2002 Shifted to new premises (area of 2700 sq.m) in May 2009 Gearing up for CWG 2010 testing WADA Accreditation in Sept 2008 ISO/IEC:17025 Accreditation in Sept Established in 1990
Statistical representation of sample testing at NDTL( )
Testing at NDTL, India Routine Sample Testing NationalInternational Research Sample Testing Proficiency Sample Testing, External Quality Assurance Scheme (EQAS)
Statistical representation of In-competition and Out of competition testing at NDTL ( )
Statistical representation of percent positive at NDTL ( )
Research activities/ presentations Research activities - Improved Number of research presentations – Increased
External Quality Assurance Scheme (EQAS) NDTL is participating in EQAS of WADA to maintain the WADA accreditation. NDTL is also participating in other EQAS program to further enhance technical capabilities.
External Quality Assurance Scheme (EQAS) WADA- (World Anti Doping Agency) WAADS- (World Association of Anti Doping Scientists) CAP - (College of American Pathologists) CSCQ- (Swiss Centre for Quality Control) Inter lab comparison program
International Testing in (Country wise)
Action Plan for Commonwealth Games 2010
Financial provision Rs crore (3.0 million USD) for the year Rs crore (2.5 Million USD) for the year
Action Plan for CWG 2010 testing Equipment Training New Test methods Recruitment
Senior Analyst (01) Junior Analyst (02) Research Fellows (16) Scientist ‘B’ (04) Recruitment Action Plan for CWG 2010 testing
( 13) ( 13) (19 ) (19 ) ( 30) Status of Equipment Action Plan for CWG 2010 testing ( 13) ( 13)
Chronological status of equipments available in NDTL Year No. of Equipments GC-MSD05 08 GC-NPD02 GC-MSD/NPDNIL 0102 HPLC01 02 GC-C-IRMS01 02 GC-MS/MS/HRMS01 03 LC-MS/MS LuminometerNIL 01 Sysmex XT 2000i NIL 01 Immuno Assay system Electrophoresis (EPO) NIL 02 Total
Training Growth Hormone, Kings College, London EPO & CERA, Austria QMS & Steroids, Cologne, Germany Experts from Cologne, Germany (Nov 9-13,2009) Expert from London, UK (Jan 6-8, 2010) Experts from Rome, Italy (Feb 9-13, 2010) Action Plan for CWG 2010 testing
Erythropoietin (EPO) CERA Blood parameters New Test methods Action Plan for CWG 2010 testing
New Test methods (Status) New Test methods (Status) Human Growth Hormone (hGH) & Blood parameters included in NDTL Scope (April 2010) Erythropoietin (EPO) & CERA would be ready by June 2010 HBOCs & Blood Transfusion would be ready by June 2010 HBOCs & Blood Transfusion would be ready by June 2010 Action Plan for CWG 2010 testing
Expert from London, UK (Jan 6-8, 2010) Experts from Rome, Italy (Feb 9-13, 2010) Action Plan for CWG 2010 testing
Sydney (01) Cologne (01) London (01) Rome (01) Austria (02) Cologne (03) Rome (03) London (02) Tokyo (02) Action Plan for CWG 2010 testing
Collaboration Bilateral Cooperation (MOU) (June 2010) :- Drug Control Centre, London Anti Doping Laboratory, Rome
Collaboration Purpose of collaboration To keep update on various areas. To collaborate in research activities To develop new test methods To get guidance and assistance during mega International events (CWG 2010) To get exposure in mega International events.
Testing plan during CWG -2010
TAT for CWG 2010 testing Sample receiving8:00 AM8:00 PM Turn Around TimeNegative Reporting Positive Reporting Urine Testing: Prohibited Drugs EPO IRMS Analysis 24 hr48 hr 72 hr6 days 3-4 days Blood Testing: hGH Testing Blood Transfusion & HBOCs Blood parameter 48 hr72 hr 48 hr72 hr 24 hr (Athlete biological passport)
Bangkok London Malaysia Tokyo Back up labs
Future Plan To accomplish testing of Commonwealth Games 2010 successfully. To move towards long term goals : – –Diversify in research in collaboration with various National / International institutes. – –Set up the facility for horse dope testing.
Future Plan To play an effective role in the activities of the Regional Anti Doping Organizations (RADOs).
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