Christmas is coming... Svetlana Olonen English Inglise keelt kõnelevad maad Christmas Customs and Traditions Form 6 Supervisior: Igor Jallai
What do you know about Christmas? –People everywhere have different traditions that they observe when celebrating the Christmas season. Some put a candle in the window; others hang mistletoe and holly around the house. Many people sing carols, put up nativity scenes, and decorate Christmas trees.
Christmas tree n n The Christmas tree is thought to have developed from the "Paradise Tree," an evergreen tree decorated with apples and used in a popular play about Adam and Eve held on December 24 th in medieval Germany. Martin Luther is credited with being the first to decorate a tree with lights. As he walked through the woods near his home, he looked up into the night sky and thought about the star that led the wise men to the Holy Child. He then took home a small tree and decorated it with candles to represent the stars he saw that night and told hes family about his walk through the woods and recounted to them the story of the Christ Child.
Christmas Carols n A carol is defined as a song of rejoicing, usually associated with festive occasions and religious celebrations. The first Christmas carol was sung by the angels who announced the birth of Christ to the shepherds in the fields near Bethlehem. Since that time many carols have been sung to honor the birth of Jesus. In fact, more that 500 English carols from the 15th century still survive, with the earliest printed copy of a carol that still exists being the "Boar's Head" carol.
n Dashing through the snow, In a one horse open sleigh, O're the fields we go Laughing all the way. Bells on bob-tail ring Making spirits bright, What fun it is to ride and sing A sleighing song tonight! CHORUS Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle all the way. Oh what fun it is to ride In a one horse open sleigh! Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle all the way. Oh what fun it is to ride In a one horse open sleigh! A day or two ago I thought I'd take a ride; And soon Miss Fannie Bright Was seated by my side. The horse was lean and lank, Misfortune seemed his lot, He got into a drifted bank And we, we got upset! Jingle Bells
Gift Giving –The tradition of giving gifts at Christmas is attributed to the wise men who gave gold, frankincense, and myrrh to the Christ Child. However, the true origin of gift giving at Christmas is this. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son. That whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life."
Santa Claus n St. Nicholas was born in 280 AD, in Patara, a city of Lycia, in Asia Minor. He was the Bishop of Myra and was known for hes great generosity and his love for children. He would often give gifts to people at night or while he was disguised so that his identity would remain secret. He died on December 6, 343. Many European countries celebrate this date as St. Nicholas's Day, and gifts are given on that day rather than December 25 th. The legend of St. Nicholas came to America with the Dutch settlers in New York. As America grew, so did the gift- giver's traits with each ethnic group adding more details. St. Nicholas's northern residence, fur-lined suit, and reindeer-pulled sleigh probably came from the Slavic regions; while his red suit, his secret arrival, and his giving to good boys and girls came from Europe. He was given physical attributes first by Clement C. Moore in his poem "The Night Before Christmas." Later, engravings by Thomas Nast in the late 1800's and paintings by Haddon Sundbloom, as advertisements for Coca-cola in the mid-1900's, allowed the world to see Santa as we know him today. Thus grew the modern day Santa Claus.
Christmas Greeting Cards –Christmas cards are tokens of friendship and good will and have become the means by which people and families keep in touch with those far away. The first Christmas card was made in 1843 by an English illustrator named John Calcott Horsely. Sending cards at Christmas became quite popular in Europe and America during the next few years. Christmas cards have truly become a tradition of Christmas. Nearly 3 billion Christmas cards will be sent through the U. S. Post Office alone, not counting the ones sent via the internet. So get out your pens, flex your tired fingers, and think, – "Who have I forgotten this year?"
For a Special Friend This special Christmas greeting, Choosen just for you, Is filled with happy thoughts And loving wishes too - And thoughts these loving wishes Have a special Christmas touch, They`re hor the year-round happiness That you deserve so much. Have a very Merry Christmas