Agenda Line up – division assignments Guidelines Fire/Police Questions
Line up times Division 1 large vehicles – 3:45pm Large vehicles for other divisions – 4:00pm All other entries – 4:15pm Line Up beginning on the left hand side of the street (ie 1-1 is on the left hand side of Caroline St) – Get clarification on Divisions 1- 3…left looking at divisions, or left coming down from Lafayette.
Divisions 4, 5 & 6 Due to construction Downtown These divisions are all located in VRE Lot B, the lot is located between Sophia, Caroline and Frederick (on the City Docks side of Lafayette). You will be separated by Division within this lot, please pay special attention to times we you to arrive, this is a tight space and we want to make sure everyone is in place safely.
Group participants MUST know: Group name Contact Person Meeting Place
Emergency Parade Volunteers will be dressed in Yellow Vests. Minor injuries – a Parade representative will be at the judges stand Emergencies – call 911 then have someone inform a Parade Volunteer
Lost and Found Lost and Found – A Parade Representative will be next to the judges stand to collect lost and found items Children who are separated from their group will be taken to the judges stand.
Decorations Theme: All I Want For Christmas… Decorate floats in the theme Banner/Sign - Display your group name
No Handouts There may be absolutely no handouts including candy, literature, etc. from your group. Reduce trash impact on city Encourage spectators to use trash receptacles
Safety Checklist Float is no bigger than: 12X10X40 Carrying a recently inspected 10 pound, ABC type fire extinguisher No protruding outrigger wheels or other appendages that may injure a bystander No minor, under 14, may walk alongside moving floats, vehicles or other motorized unites 2 adults are required per float
Safety Checklist Cont’d No abrupt, aggressive or rapid movements during the parade. The only exception will be in front of the Judge’s booth No alcohol on or around any floats No ipods, mp3 players, camcorders, cell phones etc may be used by the driver of any motorized vehicle Absolutely NO handouts, of any kind may be handed out before, during or after the parade.
Horses Park trailers at city docks Must have a pooper scooper Keep lineup of horses to no more than three horses/riders abreast
Twirling fire Visit General Use Permit Complete by Monday, Nov 17 th
Judging Judges stand: left side of the 600 block of Princess Anne Street (across from Post Office) Display Division Number on driver side of vehicle
Awards Judging Criteria: – precision (for performing units) – appearance – originality – attention to details – incorporation of the parade theme Plaques will be awarded immediately following the parade at the Colonial Tavern, located on Lafayette Blvd
Exiting the Parade Route Parade ends at Princess Anne and Wolfe St. Disembark in a non traffic area
Let the Parade Begin! Corner of Charlotte and Caroline St. Promptly at 5:30pm
Next year Information will be on website no later than September 15 th
Thank you! Have Fun!