Mrs. Potenza
Chapter Test-This is an open book test that is usually given on Thursdays. Students will be required to memorize the Ten Commandments this year. These will be included in test grades.
Guided Reading Program National Geographic Theme Sets National Geographic: Ladders Weekly quizzes are given on each story. Students may study the vocabulary words and reread the story to study for this quiz. These quizzes are usually given on Wednesdays. In addition, we will be working on National Geographic book sets, National Geographic: Ladders, and literature circles. During these times, assessments will be varied.
New list every MONDAY Sorting homework each night Test FRIDAY
Writing-Six Traits and Writer’s Workshop Sentence Structure Punctuation Grammar skills
Estimation Division Geometry Measurement Fractions Algebra Place value Range, Median, Mode Problem Solving and Reasoning 2digit X 3digit multiplication SIMPLE SOLUTIONS
Students will receive a study guide at the beginning of each chapter which includes lesson summaries and vocabulary. Weekly Quizzes(Friday)-Students should study the Lesson Summary and vocabulary for each lesson. We will highlight the important information to study for the quiz. Each quiz has five questions worth two points each. There are usually two or three lessons in each chapter. Chapter Test-Students should use the highlighted Lesson Summaries, quizzes, and vocabulary words to study for the test. Students will receive a laminated set of vocabulary cards to help them study for the test. It is also a good idea to reread the chapter. The vocabulary cards and study guides should be returned on the day of the test.
Earth Science Physical Science Human Bodies Life Science End of the lesson quizzes will be open book. These will be given at various times during the week. It is important that students reread the lesson prior to the quiz. Students will be provided with a study guide prior to chapter tests. Chapter tests are not open book.
Students should bring home a completed agenda every day. Homework will be posted on my website by 5p.m. on Mondays.
If your child is absent, we will write out an assignment sheet. Please understand that this is the work that we have done all day in class, as well as, homework. It is ideal if a student can complete all of the work, but sometimes that is not possible. I would rather have your child concentrate on getting better, than completing all of the work. I would suggest that your child do the math and science assignments first. Then try to prioritize the remaining. The handbook states that students have one day for each day that they were absent. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. I’m here to help any way I can.
It is important to complete work on time. Students are not allowed to call home for missing homework. When a student does not have an assignment, he/she will fill out a form. When a child has three late assignments, they will bring this form home to be signed by a parent. Three late assignments in any class will result in a check on the report card for that subject.