Chapter 36 Scheduling
Scheduling Setting appointments for specific times. Is challenging Key to a smooth running office good interpersonal and communication skills Ensures all work together for a good flow Smooth pt. flow = profit and success
Appointment books Manual appointment book Ringed: can add and remove pages Bound: need to replace when full Disadvantage: end of the year must use two different appointment books. Columns Will vary depending on the office needs. May list provider, operatory, or day of the week. Set up week-at-a-glance.
Appointment books
Time units Units Small sections of time per hour. Usually 10 min.(6 per hr.) 15 min.(4 per hour) Allows for effective scheduling. Treatment procedures are divided into units. Each unit may be designated doctor or assistant (depends on who is providing treatment at that time) This enables us to double book!
Double booking! Appointments overlapped by 1 unit (10 min.) Allows DA/Dr. to finish with one pt. while the Dr. or second DA starts with next pt. Cannot be done with one room / op If patients or staff are waiting, it is not working.
Matrixing Map out appt. book x 1year Mark out hours or days: the office is closed lunch staff meetings holidays buffer times any known activities when the office will be closed. Computer software has auto-matrixing.
Scheduling specifics. Buffer time aka emergency time. Reserved for emergency patients usually late morning (before lunch) late afternoon, (before closing) Lab time must considered for procedures that require a series of appointments: full or partial dentures, crowns, bridges, anything being sent to the dental lab.
Special patient considerations Young children (not in school) in the morning after a nap School age children after school on vacation days Seniors mid morning mid afternoon
Special patient considerations Patients with history of ‘no shows’. Short notice list Fill in for a no show / cancellation Late patients. Physically challenged. Health concerns. Availability of staff. Know your doctors policies regarding scheduling.
Scheduling guide! How many units for each procedure When to schedule a certain procedure Where to schedule emergency patients A doctor may want: (examples) All extractions in the morning Long, complicated treatment after lunch Short, easy appointments in the afternoon kids to go to a pedodontist. (ha ha) Scheduling guides are doctor specific. Know what your doctor prefers. If in doubt, ask?
Computer Scheduling Software programs Eaglesoft, Dentrix Advantages Auto matrixing efficient quick will link to patient account, insurance, prescription and health history. Networking from front desk to operatory.
Appointment book entries. Write in pencil if you make a mistake, erase. Entry should include Patient’s name Phone # Treatment or procedure length indicated with an arrow (). Age if a child.
Appointment book entries. Made before you fill out appointment card! Card should include: Day of the week Date Time Always double check the reminder card with the appointment book before handing to the patient.
Scheduling terminology. Primary procedures money makers Crown and bridge, restorations, extractions, RCT usually booked in the first chair. Dovetail aka conjunctive procedures require less time or attention from the dentist denture adjustments, recall exams, suture removal usually booked in the second or overflow chair.
Recall Aka Prophy or cleaning patients. Financial ‘backbone’ of the dental office. Ensures patients return. Prevents problems or discomfort. May be with dentist or hygienist. 6 month intervals. More frequent for perio patients.
Recall Systems Computer recall: most common prints list of all pts due for recall in that month contact by phone or mail once scheduled, taken off of the list.
Recall Systems Advanced appointment scheduling scheduled 6 month in advance remind 2 weeks / 1-2 days prior to appt. Advantage: no need for computer Disadvantage: more reschedules and cancellations CChronological card file PPatient fills out a postcard at visit ccards are filed months mmailed to patient 2 weeks prior to appt. CColor tag file ffourth recall system. SSimilar to chronological card UUses colored tabs to indicate recall month
Closing Remember, a smooth schedule is the key to a smooth flowing office. There will occasionally be changes to the daily schedule. Your ability to adjust to those changes is a very important part of your job. Always treat the person running your schedule how you would want to be treated if you were in their position.