For our next set of tests I need your table to divide your tray of minerals up evenly. Scotty tests minerals 1-3 Lauren tests minerals 4-7 Tanya tests minerals 8-10 Eileen tests minerals 11-13
Each student is responsible for testing their own minerals and then sharing their data with everyone at their table. This method will ensure that everyone knows how to do every test and has complete and accurate data when it is time to identify our minerals.
Notes For Your Object Take out a sheet of lined paper. Title it with the name of the object you are planning to create. As we test write yourself notes so you remember later which minerals you think may be appropriate for your object.
Surface Color Materials: Magnifying lens and your eyes Look carefully at the surface of your mineral. Record the surface color of your mineral in column 4 on your data sheet. THIS IS OUR LEAST IMPORTANT TEST. ASK YOURSELF: Which minerals are a good color for my object?
Luster Test Materials: magnifying lens, your eyes, a pearl, a piece of silk, a piece of glass, a nail Determine first if your mineral is metallic or non- metallic. Record. Next choose another adjective to describe your mineral: glassy, pearly, silky… Record. ASK YOURSELF: Which minerals are a good luster for my object?
Streak Test Materials: black streak plate, white streak plate Swipe each mineral across both the black and white streak plates. Record the color of streak left behind. ASK YOURSELF: Which minerals are appropriate for my object?
Hardness Test Materials: Moh’s Scale of Hardness, your fingernail, copper penny, steel nail, glass plate
Always begin with your fingernail. If your mineral can be scratched with your fingernail you are done testing and that mineral receives a ranking of 1-2. Scratch mineral with your fingernail 1-2 Scratch mineral with a copper penny 3 Scratch your mineral with a steel nail 4-5 Your mineral can scratch a glass plate 6-9 A hardness of 10 is a diamond ASK YOURSELF: Which minerals are an appropriate hardness for my object?
Mass/Volume = Density Materials: triple beam balance, electric scale, calculator, graduated cylinder, water I am not going to tell you how to conduct these test…How much do you remember? Good Luck!!! ASK YOURSELF: Which minerals are an appropriate density for my object?