Landscape Maintenance
Learning Objectives List the tools required for general landscape maintenance. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of the different methods of irrigation. Describe four mulches suitable for use in landscapes. Recognize common landscape plant problems, such as crossing branches, girdling roots, and suckering. List the three main purposes of pruning.
Low Maintenance Landscapes Features: Groundcover areas instead of lawns Mulches around trees and shrubs Automatic irrigation system Low-maintenance plants Flowering shrubs rather than annual and perennial flowers Plants that are disease-and insect-resistant Plant adapted to the local climate
Tools Soil-working tools Watering equipment Rakes Fertilizing Equipment
Power Equipment Hedge trimmer –good for long sections of formal hedge Power blower–blowing grass and leaves off paved areas String trimmer –trim grass beside paved areas Edger–maintains a clean line between turf and non-turf areas Chain Saw –removal of large trees and shrubs Power pruner –for high branches
Safety around Power Equipment Eye protection Remove sticks, stones, and other debris Keep people and pets 50 ft. away Do not use lawn edgers in graveled areas Hearing protection around gas-powered (2-stroke) engines Safety footwear
Irrigation Sprinklers Hand-watering Drip or trickle irrigation
Fertilizing Timing Rate Usually just before or during active plant growth Spring most common Rate Trees: 6 lbs actual N per 1,000 sq ft Shrubs: 2-4 lbs actual N per 100 sq ft Groundcovers: 2-4 lbs actual N per 1,000 sq ft
Cultural Weed Control Hand-pulling Cultivating with a hoe Weed barriers Mulching Solarization
Chemical Weed Control Pre-emergence Post-emergence Bio-herbicides Trifluralin Oryzalin Only kill germinating seedlings, not established plants Post-emergence 2,4-D (dandelion control in lawns) Glyphosate(non-selective, spot-treatment) Kill weeds on contact Bio-herbicides Wheat or corn gluten meal
Mulches Organic Inorganic Plant-derived Should be weed-and pesticide-free Shredded bark, pine straw, etc Inorganic Rock Marble chips Recycled tires
Common Landscape Problems Suckers Mower Blight Crossing Branches Stem Girdling Roots
Why Prune? Size Control Health Improvement Appearance
Review Questions Name three examples of personal protective gear to be worn around power equipment. A benefit of drip irrigation is that water is applied directly to roots of desired plants, minimizing growth of __________. Describe one major difference between organic and inorganic mulches. Mulching around landscape plants can protect trees from which common landscape problem?