By: Brandon, Stampler Hercules
Zeus was Hercules’s father. His mother was a mortal, this made Zeus’s wife, Hera, jealous, so she sent two snakes to kill him in his crib, but he was found laughing while strangling the two snakes. As Hercules became older he inherited super-human strength. He was an excellent wrestler and marksman with a bow and arrow. Hercules was driven mad by Hera, so he killed his own child, for killing his own child he had to do tasks or labors for King Eurystheus. Hera was so angry at Zeus that she tricked Zeus into crowning Eurystheus instead of Hercules. Early Life
Hercules had his first Labor or task, his task was to kill the Nemean Lion. The Nemean Lion was supernatural from birth, this lion was not like other ordinary lions. It was a BEAST. Hercules could not defeat the lion with spears or arrows, because the lion’s skin was so strong that it would not penetrate, so Hercules climbed in to the lion’s cave and blocked it with a rock so he could fight it face to face. Hercules finally came out of the cave wearing the lion skin as a cloak and its opened jaws on his head as a helmet. King Eurystheus was so scared when he saw Hercules that he hide in a jar and gave him the task of killing the many headed Hydra. The Nemean Lion
Hercules went to the swamp to find the hydras, which can kill a mortal with its breath. Hercules called out to the hydra. Finally the hydra came from his cave and the hydras wrapped its many heads around Hercules. Hercules cut off the heads as his uncle burned the wound so no more heads can pop up. Hercules was known as the god of heroes of heroes and his symbol was a wooden club. The Hydra
Hercules’ third task was to catch the female deer that had golden horns. It took Hercules one year to track down the deer and catch it. Hercules didn’t want to kill the deer because it was sacred to Artemis the god of hunting. So Hercules carefully shot the deer in between the bone and the tendon in the two forelegs without drawing blood. Hercules didn’t get in trouble with Artemis because he said he had to do it for Eurystheus. Catch the Hind
Kill Nemean Lion. Kill Hydra. Catch hind with golden horns. Hercules also had to kill the Erymanthian Boar. Clean out king Augeas’ stable in one day. Kill the Stymphalian Birds, that ate human flesh. Kill the Cretan Bull. Catch the Mares of Diomedes which ate humans. Had to get the Hippolyte's Belt for Eurystheus daughter. Herd the Cattle of Geryon. Collect the Apples of the Hesperides which is surrounded by a wall and dragons. Had to bring Cerberus, the three headed dog, up from Hades. 12 Tasks
Hercules was slowly dyeing. When he fought the hydra he was bit and poisoned. Hercules allowed someone to tell his wife that he was dyeing, but instead he attacked her. Hercules shot him with an arrow and killed him. Before he died, he told Deinara to keep some of his blood to make a love potion. When Hercules went into his afterlife he joined the other gods on Mount Olympus. Hercules’s Death