: By Imani Johnson
Junk food is very popular in our world today, but it should not be allowed to be sold in schools because the obesity level is increasing rapidly.
A. Complications B. Body type C. Sugar Content
.Obesity is a big issue among teens and kids, it is bound to cause: A. Asthma B. Not being able to walk C. Death
1.Junk food has many calories and no nutrients it has a big effect on : A. Over weight B. Picked on C. Depression
1.the rate of sugar content in junk food is very high: A. Hyper B. high blood pressure C. diabetes
Junk food is very popular in our world today, but it should not be allowed to be sold in schools because the obesity level is increasing rapidly, Junk food may lead to death due to many situations It causes, Complications, Body type, and Sugar Content. If we take junk food out of our schools, it may lead to a healthier lifestyle for our students. We also need to change the way we eat at home!
“ Study finds that higher suicide risk in teens who see their self as over weight” – Rita Jenkins “ 6-19 years of age are over weight or obese
/77/36/50/0 /77/36/50/0 statistics-facts.html statistics-facts.html WebMD.com/news/ /schools- selling-junk-food-to-teens should-not-be-banned should-not-be-banned