CEA FEST 2k12 CEA Fest is annual technical festival of Civil Engineering Department, IIT Madras. Highly Organized and Largest Civil Engineering Fest in India. With over 20+ events, every year it attracts students from all over India.
CEA Hands On Modeling, Robo Construct, Concrete Cube testing Ideaz SEE Will, Paper Presentation Design & Build CAD Contest, Master Builder, Road Design, Poster Design & Presentation Quizzes Online Quiz, Main Quiz, TUSQ Miscellaneous Debate, Daily Events, Puzzle Champ, School Kids Festival
MODELLING Tests the hands on skills of the participants Robustness in their new born ideas, aesthetic quotient in their design. A team can be of two or three members. Registration at Fest.
ROBO CONSTRUCT Robotics, most challenging field of today testing innovation and creativity of the individual. CEA FEST Allows you to the opportunity to test your hands-on skills, the ability to visualize the most feasible design and mold it into a perfect model. Prerequisites include experience, imagination and a great team work. Maximum of 4 members per team.
Concrete Cube Testing Cubes will be tested on basis of their compressive strength, weight, cost. Any one of the following criteria: (a) Maximum strength. (b) Deviation in strength of cube. Lecture on concrete technology will held on last day of the fest
SEE Will Put your ideas in justifying a structure with economic, social environmental and infrastructural impact. Better presentation skills, getting instant ideas.
Paper Presentation Research paper on topic given. Selection. Presentation at CEA Fest.
CAD Contest Online CAD Contest. On spot CAD Contest. On spot Revit Contest. Google Sketch-up Problem statements will be uploaded in web- site one month before.
Master Builder It summons all the ingenious civil engineering minds with Hands-on experience First round: Send soft-copy of the analysis of structure. Second round: Shortlisted candidates will be called to fest. Team of 2-3 members should come-up with a workable model.
Poster Design & Presentation This is a theme based event. Last year theme is “Creating Modern Urban India” Submit a research paper and a poster online. Evaluated and short-Listed candidates will get an opportunity of giving presentation at prestigious CEA Fest. Event is open to both Under-graduate and post-graduate students.
Quizzes Online Quiz: This event will be conducted online. It will start 15 days before the fest and for 5 days it will be going on for the qualification for the participants. TUSQ: Quiz based on Structural Engineering
DOH Department Open House Exhibit of projects and models using Latest technology in Civil Engineering… BTCM Transportation Structural Geotechnical Hydrology & Environmental
DOH BTCM LITRACON Wall Pervious Concrete Pavement IIT MADRAS on Digital campus. Transportation How software's helps transportation engineer? Display of characteristic study of asphalt. Geo Technical Laboratory tours and worth watching demonstrations like Landslides, Centrifuge test, Shake table analysis. Etc..
Puzzle Champ An event to poke you brain hours full of logical questions in front of you. Basic mathematics and lots of commonsense is enough....
THANK YOU & Waiting For U There….
Contact Website: Phone: Hari — (AP) (Chennai)