Dolphins By: maylee
HOW DO THEY LOOK? Some dolphins are gray. Some species look pink. Some have black stripes, spots or black parts. They have streamlined bodies and they have a fin on their back.
THE SIZE OF A DOLPHIN Adult bottlenose dolphins grow to be 6 to 13 feet. They weigh from 150 to 650 kilograms.
HOW IT GETS ITS FOOD Dolphins will work together to coral or herd fish They also forage. Stunning is another method of catching fish, where they make loud noises to shock the fish They also do whacking which is hitting the fish with their tail.
FUN FACTS ABOUT DOLPHINS It’s a mammal, but has no hair. Baby dolphins are called calves. There 33 types of marine dolphins. There are 4 types of river dolphins and 6 types of porpoises. Killer whales are in the dolphin family.
Resources Title of book: internet author : n/a website: www.dolphins would . com
ALL ABOUT THE AUTHOR I was born in September. I am 7 years old. I love to sing and dance. I love animals I am kind and nice. I have a brother.