Blue whales eat these little shrimp-like creatures called krill! They can eat over 4 tons of krill a day! That’s probably why they can weigh more than 150 tons!! Blue whales are the biggest animals known to earth!!
Can weigh more than 150 tons! Tail: feet long Tongue can weigh as much as elephant feet long When pregnant they gain 200 lbs. First year of life they gain 200 lbs. a day Heart weighs as much as car!
Largest animal known on earth Usually live in cold areas Loudest animals in existance Can travel 3-12 miles per hour Greyish-blue color
live in oceans throughout world Twilight zone of the ocean Migration 4 months depending on where they’re going 12,000-15,000 still living Old, pregnant, and sexually mature whales travel fastest
1930: about 30,000 blue whales killed Now considered endangered Lifespan: years Able to breath air Often spotted Gulf of Mexico (dead or alive)
o Mature around 8-10 yrs. o Females breed every 2-3 yrs. o Can weigh 200 tons o ft. long
exhibits.html exhibits.html layers.html#Zone2 layers.html#Zone2 reaturefeature/blue-whales/ reaturefeature/blue-whales/ ammals/blue-whale/ ammals/blue-whale/ Book: Cox, Vic. Whales & Dolphins. New York: The Book People, 1990.