NYSDOT and NYSERDA Breaking out of our silos Or….
When Pigs Fly…. In New York ….
Why Change? Research program evaluation fall of 2003 –Conventional SPR funding –Limited research avenues –Limited interest from management –Conservative research projects –Research process - too long –No focus or priorities –None of the seven keys
How ? Pull out the keys! Empowered myself – leveraged old relationships Marketed the program Asked for suggestions and needs Asked how we could help Made a few deals When opportunity knocked we opened the door….. –C Universal Real Time Highway Information System (04/05)
Who is NYSERDA? New York State Energy Research and Development Authority public benefit corporation created in 1975 in response to the energy crisis four primary focus areas: energy, environment, economy, & education ~ 350 employees, four NYS locations, –Albany, NYC, Buffalo, West Valley ~ $600M annual budget FY10/11 NYSERDA.org
How We Met TIRC – Transportation Infrastructure Research Consortia (2001 – 2009) Letters of support for various PONs (Program Opportunity Notice) Conversations started –They were calling us for input on projects –We were talking about upcoming PONs –We own the infrastructure –They have money….
Started Getting Serious Discussions at internal SPR monthly coordination meetings Discussions with NYSERDA on ways of working together Discussions with FHWA Asking why not? Saying so what….old rules old news… We made it work
Making It Happen Pitch to Executives –Commissioner is on the NYSERDA Board –Leverage ITS NY and ITS America –Leverage funding, Department goals, etc Worked with our Contract folks Sign off on funding by Executives Sign off by the State Comptroller Work with program areas on the PON Be flexible, don’t give up, be realistic
The Good Leverages our funding Assists in meeting State goals Different research than our typical program Allows researcher to perform the research Shorter time to contract – their process Higher profile research Target responses to the PON Some Funding for implementation
The Not So Good Takes funding from other parts of our research program Not all projects are high priority Takes time from other work Not all program areas are involved Higher Profile Research We don’t get final vote on the projects
Overall The good outweigh the not so good Variety in our research Additional funding is always welcome Together our programs are stronger
Looking forward… Continue to work together (trust) Their funding is growing (economics) Using NYSERDA funding for the 20% state match (making deals) Using some of their funding in support of the State Energy Plan (policy research) Continue to let the world know (marketing) Deliver usable products (accountability) Increase interaction with researchers (empower staff)
Project Opportunity Notice Examples
Past Program Opportunity Notices support the development, validation or demonstration of innovative products and systems that “improve the efficiency, performance and reliability of the existing transportation systems in NYS” “improve the sustainability (energy and environmental performance) of the existing transportation systems in New York State”
Past Program Opportunity Notices “reduce greenhouse gases and petroleum consumption by reducing vehicle miles traveled (VMT) in New York State without adversely affecting the State’s economy or quality of life” “development or demonstration of strategies and/or technologies that have the potential of improving the overall system efficiency of existing NYS transportation corridors”
PON 2074 Low Carbon Transportation Alternatives “$1.5 million - developing and/or demonstrating strategies and/or enabling commercial technologies that have the potential of reducing the carbon intensity of the existing multi-modal transportation system in New York State” – $ 15K Workshops, Guidebooks & Outreach – $ 75K Policy Research & Feasibility Studies – $ 150K Underutilized Strategies & Policies – $ 250K Underutilized, Commercial Technologies –Proposals due August 25, 2010
PON 2045 Advanced Transportation Technologies $3M available in 2010 to support the development, demonstration, and commercialization of innovative transportation products, systems and services. Announcement in July with proposals due in August. –$ 50K Initial Feasibility Studies –$ 150K Bench-Scale Product Development –$ 500K Prototype Product Development (< 3 years)