Por:Senorita Michalczuk Singular to Plural
First, let’s review… what are our vowels?
Constants are the rest of the letters. BCCHDFGH JKLLLMNNP QRRRSTVWX Y Z
Now we are ready to begin… What are the definitions of: Singular: Plural:
SINGULAR one of something reloj (only one) lapiz (only one) mochila (only one)
PLURAL more than one reloj- more than one lapiz- more than one Mochila- more than one
Situation: You have one backpack and your friend gives you another, now you have more than one. Backpack backpacks mochila mochilas
What do you notice? mochila mochilas Yes, we added –s BUT WHY? Here, look at the these: boli bolis cuaderno cuadernos revista revistas What is the pattern? Hint, look at the endings. Click when you see the pattern
If you answered they end in a vowel, you are correct! RULE #1: When a word ends in a vowel, you add –s. mochila mochilas boli bolis cuaderno cuadernos revista revistas
Now you are ready for Rule #2 If the word ends in a constant, you add –es to the ending. reloj relojes What will the following change to? marcadorpapelcartel
marcador marcadores Since marcador ends in a constant, we add –es
papel papeles Since papel ends in a constant, we add –es
cartel carteles You guessed it! Cartel ends in a constant (l), so we add -es
Let’s Review Rule #1: If the words ends in a vowel ADD –S Rule #2:If the word ends in a constant ADD -ES Now, let’s take a peek at RULE #3, are you ready???
Rule #3: words that end in z This rule is for words that end in z. Do you notice a pattern? lapiz lapices juez jueces maiz maices Click to see the pattern
Notice the spelling change: If the word ends in a z, you drop the z and add ces Review the steps: 1.Chop off the z 2.Add ces
Mira, Look CHOP ADD lapiz lapiz ces lapices maiz maiz ces maices juez juez ces jueces
Let’s Review Rule #1:Ends in vowel, add –s Rule #2Ends in constant, add –es Rule #3:Ends in z, chop and add –ces Now it is time to show me what you know!
Choose the correct form of the plural for the following words: 1.radio radioesradiosradices 2.pez pezespezspeces 3. pincel pincelspinelcespinceles 4.gato gatosgatoesgates 5.autobus autobussautobuseautobuses
STOP! Red Light! Sorry, you are incorrect. Look at the ending of the verb and try again. Remember, this word ends in a vowel.
Ruh- Roh! Scooby and friends think you should take another look, the word ends in a constant.
Ah Chihuahua Lo Siento! Sorry, you are incorrect. This word ends in a z. Take another look.
Bravisimo Hooray! You are a word wizard. Way to remember your rules! Rock on!
Repaso, one last peek Rule #1:Ends in vowel, add –s Rule #2Ends in constant, add –es Rule #3:Ends in z, chop and add –ces Una pregunta, en la lección, que película está en el cartel con Pacino?
Now you know how to make words plural!