By: Jared Imler
Introduction Everyone knows that cigarettes are unhealthy for you, but just how bad are they?
Introduction According to the American Cancer Society, Tobacco use causes nearly one in five deaths in the United States, which is approximately 443,000 people per year. This is more than alcohol, car accidents, suicides, AIDS, homicide and illegal drugs combined.
Cigarette smoking is… Unhealthy to smokers and non- smokers. II. Is costly. III. Undesirable or unattractive.
Cigarettes are extremely unhealthy Data collected by the CDC from 1995 to 1999 found that male smokers lost an average of 13.2 years of their life and female smokers lost 14.5 years of their life because of smoking cigarettes.
Cigarettes are extremely unhealthy Thirty percent of cancer deaths can be attributed to cigarettes. (American Cancer Society) According to the American Cancer Society “Not only is cigarette smoking responsible for nine out of 10 lung cancer deaths -- the leading cause of cancer deaths and one of the hardest cancers to treat”
Cigarettes are extremely unhealthy Increases the risk of 11 other types of cancer, such as bladder, stomach, esophagus and larynx. The American Cancer Society
According to the CDC A man who smokes increases his chance of developing lung cancer 23 times, while a woman increases her chances of getting lung cancer 13 times.
According to the American Cancer Society. Cancer is not the only concern for a smoker -- it can also cause emphysema, heart attacks and strokes. It can cause coronary heart disease, the No. 1 cause of death in the United States, as well as peripheral vascular disease because smoking narrows blood vessels and reduced circulation.
According to the American Cancer Society second hand smoke is just as dangerous In addition to causing cancer, including lung cancer, secondhand smoke can cause heart disease, as well as less- serious problems such as coughing, phlegm, wheezing and shortness of breath.
Just what is in cigarette smoke? 4,000 chemicals including 43 known cancer causing compounds and 400 other toxins. Nicotine Tar Formaldehyde Ammonia hydrogen cyanide Arsenic DDT (
Nicotine Highly Addictive Reaches brain in under 6 seconds small doses acts as a stimulant to the brain Large doses inhibit the flow of signals between nerve cells Even larger doses affect heart, blood vessels and hormones
Cigarette smoking is costly In Pennsylvania, Cigarettes are around $7 and in New Jersey, they are more expensive, around $8 or more. In New York City some are over $10 Some people smoke a pack or more a day, sometimes two. For a pack a day in Pennsylvania, someone could pay almost $50 a week. That’s about $2600 a year a person could save by not smoking. (
Cigarette smoking is unattractive. Some people including me see cigarette smoking as a major turnoff. Nobody wants to kiss a person after they have smoked a cigarette. They turn your teeth yellow and cause you to smell like smoke.
Conclusion Cigarettes are extremely unhealthy They are very expensive And some people refuse to date a smoker.
List of References "Smoking and Tobacco Use." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 10 Jan Web. 08 Oct Turiciano, Nic. "What Does A Pack Of Cigarettes Cost In Each State Now?" The Awl. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Oct "What in Cigarette Smoke Is Harmful?" What in Cigarette Smoke Is Harmful? American Cancer Society, n.d. Web. 08 Oct "What's In a Cigarette, 599 Ingredients in a Cigarette." What's In a Cigarette, 599 Ingredients in a Cigarette. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Oct