2015 Accelerated Level British Rule of India Lesson Plan Date and Number Your Papers: Monday, March 23, 2015 Tuesday, March 24, 2015 Wednesday, March 25, 2015 Remember Final Draft of Religions Essay Due Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Day One: Monday, March 23, 2015 Quiet Question: Type Two Prompt: We are going to do a follow-up activity about the ongoing issues the untouchables face in modern India. The teacher is going to read aloud the article below. You should follow along and use Active Reading Strategies. Then using your notes from the previous lesson on the Caste System, you and your partner are to answer the Reflection Questions. Reflection Questions: Identify and explain at LEAST TWO DIFFERENT ISSUES Dalits face in India today. Issue One: Issue Two Identify and explain at LEAST TWO DIFFERENT STEPS that have been taken to try to correct the problems. First Corrective Step: Second Corrective Step: How is the ongoing poor treatment of Dalits SIMILAR to what we learned in the Africa Unit on the legacy of Apartheid in South Africa? Identify and explain at LEAST TWO SIMILARITIES. Similarity One: Similarity Two:
Day One: Monday, March 23, 2015 Class: As we learned about European Imperialism in Africa, the negative effects overwhelming outweigh the positives. However, one of the positives of British rule in India was the weakening of the caste system. Within this lesson, we will be continuing our study of Western Imperialism as it happened in South Asia. You will see many similarities between Africa and South Asia. Class: To introduce us to the establishment of British rule in India, we are going to watch a BBC excerpt on You Tube. Racist Imperial British Empire in India Part 2 (BBC Documentary on Racism) Uploaded on Mar 5, 2010 The British Empire policies in what is now India, Pakistan and Bangladesh (similar policies were used in other parts of the world) led to the deaths of up to 25 million people over a period of 30 years. From the documentary Racism - A History by the BBC Running time of 9:57 minutes
Day One: Monday, March 23, 2015 Class: The teacher is going to begin The British In India PowerPoint Lecture, and you are to take notes in the provided Timeline Organizer in EITHER PENCIL, BLACK, OR BLUE PEN under the correct headings. Homework: Continue to follow the chunking of the Summative Assessment Compare and Contrast Hinduism and Buddhism Essay.
Day Two: Tuesday, March 24, 2015 Class: The teacher is going to finish the British Rule of India PowerPoint Lecture, and you should finish taking notes in the Timeline Organizer. Homework: Finish revisions of Religions Essay. It is due tomorrow!
Day Three: Wednesday, March 25, 2015 Individual: Use the Class Set of the Effects of British Rule PowerPoint to fill in the Effects Graphic Organizer. Use EITHER PENCIL, BLACK, OR BLUE PEN. Individual/Homework: For the rest of the Block Period, you will use the CLASS SET photocopied supplemental reading entitled “A British Imperialism in India Timeline” and read and take notes adding to the Class Lecture Notes in EITHER RED, ORANGE, PINK, or PURPLE PEN. This timeline has been uploaded in pdf format to Ms. Barben’s Teacher Page if you did not finish this in class.