OSHA Occupational Safety & Health Administration Heriberto Holguin Oscar Marin Juana Martinez Larese Walker
About OSHAOSHA Created in 1970 under OSH Act Chief of Staff: Kirk Sander Mission: Minimize Deaths, Injuries, & Illnesses Regulates: Personal Safety Equipment Safety & Maintenance Violence & Harassment in the Workplace
Case MGM illegally fired an employee for whistleblowing What is a whistleblower? A person who informs on a person or organization engaged in illegal activity Protected under Sarbanes-Oxley Act What is forecasting? Providing insight to a client with an emphasis on economic benefit as to the expected revenue and occupancy rates
Action & Resolution MGM Resorts International Victim: Nelly Oberti, Residential Services Representative at The Signature Condominiums, LLC Reason Fired: Reported forecasting by MGM Resort Employees to OSHA OSHA’s Penalties: $325,000 in restitution Reinstate Ms. Oberti Clear employee record of whistleblower conduct
Sarbanes-Oxley Act Also known as the “SOX” Act Named after Senator Paul Sarbanes and Representative Michael G. Oxley Signed into law by former President George W. Bush Whistleblower protection listed under Title VIII of the Act Establish procedures Protect confidentiality Criminalized Retaliation i.e. demotion, suspension, threats, and harassment
Conclusion Edward Snowden: Responsible for leaking details about classified U.S. government surveillance programs Julian Assange: Responsible for Wikileaks Why we should protect whistleblowers