Boris Ribov & Georgi Bakalski One good place for research & development of projects based on: - Hardware development & manufacturing; - Software development & prototyping; - Energy efficiency (smart energy meter); - Home automation (remote control & automation of your home); - Android programming; Boris Ribov & Georgi Bakalski One good place for research & development of projects based on: - Hardware development & manufacturing; - Software development & prototyping; - Energy efficiency (smart energy meter); - Home automation (remote control & automation of your home); - Android programming; TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF PLOVDIV
LAB View { 4 SW + 2HW working places } SMT Rework station; Soldering station; PCB design working place; SMT Rework station; Soldering station; PCB design working place; Electrical equipment: multimeters, spectrometers, oscilloscopes, soldering stations, power supplies Electrical equipment: multimeters, spectrometers, oscilloscopes, soldering stations, power supplies uC: PIC based, AVR based, ARM based; uC: PIC based, AVR based, ARM based; Comm: Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, IR, Power line modems, Ethernet (LAN)Comm: Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, IR, Power line modems, Ethernet (LAN)
Some projects: {Web Thermometer} Standalone digital thermometer with build in internet connection;Standalone digital thermometer with build in internet connection; Measure two independent temperatures via external digital sensors DS18B20Measure two independent temperatures via external digital sensors DS18B20 Real-time data monitoring via LED display also via InternetReal-time data monitoring via LED display also via Internet Available serial RS-232 communication portAvailable serial RS-232 communication port Available ethernet (LAN) port for connection to the InternetAvailable ethernet (LAN) port for connection to the Internet Build in WEB server for monitoring the data using simple WEB browser or simple smart phoneBuild in WEB server for monitoring the data using simple WEB browser or simple smart phone
Some projects: {Web Electrometer} Standalone electrometer for active (real) electrical energy;Standalone electrometer for active (real) electrical energy; Build in ethernet (LAN) connector;Build in ethernet (LAN) connector; Build in WEB server;Build in WEB server; Build in Real-Time-Clock;Build in Real-Time-Clock; Build in Power Relay switch (220V/30A) that can be controlled remote via Internet by a WEB browser or your smart phone;Build in Power Relay switch (220V/30A) that can be controlled remote via Internet by a WEB browser or your smart phone; Build in thermometer for two independent temperatures in range of (-55C to +125C);Build in thermometer for two independent temperatures in range of (-55C to +125C); Communication with external database system for the data analysis (energy efficiency systems);Communication with external database system for the data analysis (energy efficiency systems);
Some projects: {Web Electrometer - Statistics}
Some projects: {irDroid – Remote control for Android} Universal remote control IR TV, STB, DVD, DVB Open source application and open hardware modules Control other devices that use IR Port of LIRC for Android (Linux Infrared Remote control) Supports LIRC configuration files (the database contains more than 2000 supported devices.
Some projects: Etherfeed { Standalone network LCD display } Some projects: Etherfeed { Standalone network LCD display } The Etherfeed is a small standalone network device, it connects to the Internet and displays statistical data about your website like number of unique visitors, number of pageviews, PayPal sales (SUM of sales via the PayPal IPN), Facebook likes for your brand / group and weather data like temperature, humidity for your location. The Etherfeed is a small standalone network device, it connects to the Internet and displays statistical data about your website like number of unique visitors, number of pageviews, PayPal sales (SUM of sales via the PayPal IPN), Facebook likes for your brand / group and weather data like temperature, humidity for your location.