Interlude: Functional Programming CSE 331 Section 2 James Daly
Reminder Homework 2 due Leave on table before you leave Project 2 is out Covers tree sets Due next Friday at midnight Exam 1 will be Thursday, February 26 Review day the preceding Tuesday. 1 sheet of notes
Interlude Covering something completely different today Discussing differences between languages Focus on a very different way of programming Most examples will be in Scala More available at
Greenspun’s Rule “Any sufficiently complicated C or Fortran program contains an ad hoc, informally specified, bug-ridden, slow implementation of half of Common Lisp.” Phillip Greenspun
Morris’s Corollary “… including Common Lisp.” Robert Morris
Java vs C++ Garbage collection No explicit delete calls Memory cleaned up automatically when object no longer used Not cleaned up immediately Better throughput but worse latency Always has smart-pointers (references) Can’t stack-allocate an object Always passes references by value
Java vs C++ Java C++
Programming Paradigms C/C++ and many other languages use an imperative paradigm Focus on how to do something Change of state Procedural programming is a common sub-type Basis is function calls or sub-routines Frequently combined with object-oriented programming
Programming Paradigms In functional programming, the focus is on what rather than how Based on mathematical expressions Avoids changing state / mutable data Output depends only on inputs Basis for Lisp, Scheme, OCaml, and Haskell Source:
Scala Object-functional Compiles to Java bytecode
Functional Ideas First-class Functions / Higher-order Functions Functions can be passes as arguments to other functions Purity Function calls don’t change state Immutable Data Data structures cannot be modified Reference transparency Function results depend only on its arguments
Immutable Data Data elements cannot be modified Return a modified copy instead Con – may have to make extra copies May have to make “defensive” copies anyway Pro – may be able to share some sub-data Very good for multi-threading Don’t need to worry whether your copy is up to date Nobody can change the data on you
Immutable Example
Sharing Data Bulk of the list can be shared
Purity Functions could do things other than return values Change program state (environment) Called side effects Pure functions have no side-effects
Reference Transparency Calling a function with the same arguments yields the same results So Func(x) = Func(y) if x = y Not dependent on the environment Makes it easier to reason about Purity and Immutability ensure the environment doesn’t change
Higher Order Functions Functions can be passed as arguments to other functions Often takes the form of a lambda expression Allows us to make small changes to an algorithm without having to rewrite the whole thing
Higher Order Function Lambda
Higher Order Functions Generic Stack Function takes a T and returns an S
Sorting Source: Scala by Example, by Martin Odersky
Palindromes The empty string is a palindrome A single character is a palindrome awa is a palindrome if w is a palindrome aw and wa are both palindromes if w is a palindrome and a is a special symbol Nothing else is a palindrome
Pattern Matching Empty string Single letter List starting with a List ending with a Anything else
More Pattern Matching Parse tree!
Option Return type for when calculations can fail Two sub-classes Some None Replaces null Don’t need to worry about null in other cases
Cish way
Option Is a collection May only have one item
Functional Way
A lot of them
C++ Version