Tablet PC As An Enabling Technology Todd Landstad and Guy Barker, Software Design Engineers Mobile PC Division Microsoft Corporation Mike Buckley, University of Buffalo
Tablet PC As An Enabling Technology Introduction and Examples Communication Solutions Visual Solutions Hearing Solutions Cognitive Solutions Assistive Technology Vendor Solutions
Examples Of Tablet PC Usage The student with a speech disability Ink and handwriting recognition as enabling features The person who is developmentally delayed and visually impaired Form factor as an enabling feature
InkTalk Program Simple replacement for pen and paper Program and source code available from
Tablet PC Speech Assistant Handwriting or list selection input Offers choices based on input so far Choices based on past usage
Tablet PC Speech Assistant Todd Landstad Tablet PC Group
Tablet PCs In Socially Relevant Projects Mike Buckley University of Buffalo
Tablet PC And Visual Disabilities Screen Readers High Contrast Magnification programs
Concentrating On One Point Only Guy Barker Laptop PC Group
Tablet PC And Visual Disabilities Microsoft and ONCE research Assesses Tablet PC usage by children with different degrees of visual disability Karen McCall, Karlen Communications Tablet PC Technology and People with Disabilities technology.htm technology.htm Workshops on using Tablet PC technology for students with disabilities
Tablet PC And Visual Disabilities Making pictures more informative
Making Pictures More Informative Guy Barker Laptop PC Group
Tablet PC And Hearing Disabilities Ink or Text to Speech Provides one-way communication Speech Recognition Becomes two-way communication Available in different situations More situations as technology continues to improve
Tablet PC And Cognitive Disabilities Practical use by people with dysgraphia Further research needed in this area Ease of use affected by form factor, touch screen, being away from the desk Need to control the number of choices on the screen in some cases
Assistive Technology Vendors Tablet PC as the hardware in AT solutions Next Generation Technologies Inc. Applied Human Factors, Inc. Gus Communications, Inc. Minomech Enterprises
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