Beginner Recorder Getting Started By Mrs Noble-Coles
A note to parents: Your child has started his/her recorder lessons. They will now need to ensure that they have their recorder in school every Thursday. On a Thursday lunch time your child will need to eat their lunch first and then come to the studio for their lesson. There will be copies of the music we are learning in class. These will be given to the children to to bring home and practice. They will need to try to remember to bring this to the lessons too. I have attached a few slides below so the children can show you what they have been doing during their first few sessions and to help them get started at home. I hope they enjoy learning the recorder and soon you will enjoy their playing too! Thank you, Michelle Noble-Coles
A stave is the 5 lines we write music on. This is a stave.
This is a Treble Clef A treble clef tells us that on the recorder we are playing high notes. You will see one at the start of every piece you play.
This is a crotchet It is a 1 beat note (we will call this slow)
This is a pair of quavers These are ½ beat notes (we say - quick quick)
Example of simple rhythm Slow Slow Quick Quick Slow
Clap these rhythms
Before you play remember to: 1, Breath softly through the recorder 2, Have your left hand at the top 3, As you play say ‘tu, tu, tu’ to tongue each note 4, Cover each hole with no gaps
The Note B
The Note A
Pieces to play using A and B Little fly No more milk Traffic Jam Caterpillar Bye Bye The children will bring music these pieces of home over the next few weeks
G A B Which Note belongs to which stave?
Rest = Silence Below is a crotchet rest You will need to be silent for 1 beat
Well done for practicing