Intro to Health Science Personality & Health Intro to Health Science
How would you define health? Write down characteristics of a healthy person. How would you define health?
Define your personality Are you action oriented, assertive, confident, decisive, determined, disciplined, independent, logical, productive, and responsible? Are you steady, ordered and enduring? Are you highly committed and loyal? Are you creative? Are you kind, considerate, patient and accepting? Are you a good listener? Are you enthusiastic, persuasive, and spontaneous? Define your personality
What color or colors? Different Colors Red: Power Wielders Blue: Do-gooders White: Peacekeepers Yellow: Fun lovers Start here for 1st and 2nd and 3rd period Assigned Wellness Wheel 3rd also needs late tickets, late homework, and hall pass What color or colors?
What do you think would help your personality type succeed in school? Write your thoughts
Health & Wellness Wheel Health: overall well-being of your body, mind, and relationships with other people. Life Expectancy Quality of Life Wellness: state of high level of health Health & Wellness Wheel
Physical Health Refers to how well your body functions 4 pillars of physical health: Proper nutrition Regular exercise Adequate sleep Stress management Physical Health
State of being comfortable with yourself, others, and your surroundings Mental Health includes Alert mind Learns from mistakes Recognize achievements Mental Health
Emotional/ Spiritual Health How you react to events in your life Emotional/Spiritual Health includes Anger Optimism vs. pessimism Relaxation Sharing feelings with others Defining your values/ living with purpose Emotional/ Spiritual Health
Social Health How well you get along with others Social Health includes Making and keeping friends Respecting other Giving and accepting help Healthy relationships with family and friends Social Health
Why is it hard to keep the health and wellness wheel balanced? Write your thoughts