How energy works
There are more overweight people in this world than hungry people. Individuals who are obese have a 10% - 50% increased risk of death from all causes, compared with healthy weight individuals. 97 million adults are in the “obese” category. This is 31.4% of the entire adult population. 10 million kids (under 12) are in the “obese” category. This is 17.5% of the population under age 12. Statistics
This generation of children will be the first generation to actually have a shorter life expectancy than their parents because of obesity. Obesity is now the LEADING cause of preventable death in the USA 1980: 24% of all Americans are found to be overweight. 2009: 66% of all Americans are found to be overweight. Statistics
Our nation is in TROUBLE!! We eat too much of the wrong foods & don’t burn off enough of those calories each day. The bottom line….
Calorie- a unit of energy Empty calorie- a calorie with little or no nutrients Metabolism- the rate at which your body uses energy, or burns calories Your body is like a furnace with food being the fuel you burn in it. How energy works
The more calories in a food item the more energy it provides.
Calorie intake- calories we consume and bring in to our bodies Calorie expenditure- calories we use and burn throughout the day Intake vs. Expenditure
1.Basal Metabolic Rate (metabolism): The number of calories you burn even if you slept all day. Some factors that affect this are: age, size, sex, and health. (60-70 % of calories burned) 2.Digesting, absorbing, transporting and storing the food you consume also takes calories. (10 % of calories burned) 3.Activity: Physical activity and exercise — such as playing tennis, walking to the store, chasing after the dog and any other movement — (account for the rest of the calories your body burns up each day). Three ways your body burns calories
Main way body burns calories It’s quite genetic! Can you boost your metabolism? YES!!! How? Aerobic exercise Strength training Why exercise? Muscle cells burn/use more energy than fat cells. Metabolism
How to maintain body weight
How do we gain weight, how do we lose weight?
How to lose weight
To maintain weight: calorie intake is the same as calorie expenditure To lose weight: calorie intake is LESS than calorie expenditure (You are burning more calories than you are eating) To gain weight: calorie intake is MORE than calorie expenditure (You are eating more calories than you are burning) Managing weight
GenderAgeSedentaryModerately Active Active Female9-131,600cal1,600-2,000cal1,800-2,200cal Female14-181,800cal2,000cal2,400cal Male9-131,800cal1,800-2,200cal2,000-2,600cal Male14-182,200cal2,400-2,800cal2,800-3,200cal How many calories should I consume a day? Sedentary -light physical activity associated with daily life Moderately Active -equal to walking miles per day Active -equal to walking more than 3 miles per day
One pound of fat = 3,500 calories. If someone eats an excess of 500 calories a day for a week, how much weight will they gain that week? What is a healthy amount of weight (in a week) to gain or lose? Is it more important to diet or to learn how to live a healthy lifestyle? Managing Weight