Presented By Sheila Lucas Ferris State University NURS 511 Model of Care Design Presented By Sheila Lucas Ferris State University NURS 511
Introduction Cleveland Clinic use of Zielony Institute Nursing Practice Model Creates a “Shared Vision” “Cleveland Clinic: Patients First” “Cleveland Clinic Nurses: Delivering on the Promise of World Class Care” Cleveland Clinic (nd). Zielony Insitiute Nursing Practice Model. Colleagues in Care.
Description of Model of Care Guiding Principles “Ensures patient Safety and quality Provides consistent, evidence-based nursing practices based on the nursing process, critical thinking, and role optimization Fostering a healing environment that is patient and family centered, culturally sensitive, compassionate, service oriented and utilizes interdisciplinary collaboration Expecting professionals to be competent, accountable, fiscally responsible, and ethical Leveraging technology to support nursing practice and increase time with patients Maintaining regulatory and practice compliance Supporting lifelong learning and teaching” Cleveland Clinic (nd). Zielony Insitiute Nursing Practice Model. Colleagues in Care.
Cleveland Clinic (nd). Zielony Insitiute Nursing Practice Model Cleveland Clinic (nd). Zielony Insitiute Nursing Practice Model. Colleagues in Care
Why Does This Make Sense? Appropriate staffing of clinical and non clinical staff that supports safe and high quality care Performance improvement and enhanced communication Encourages fiscal responsibility among staff members Creates a patient centered Care Interdisciplinary collaboration Generates effective communication and relationships Effectively uses technology to enhance practice Enhances Patient Satisfaction Utilizes evidence based clinical management Encourages lifelong learning and enhancement in professional development
Mission:” To provide better care of the sick, investigation into their problems, and further education of those who serve”. Values: “Quality. We maintain the highest standards and achieve them by continually measuring and improving our outcomes. Innovation. We welcome change, encourage invention and continually seek better, more efficient ways to achieve our goals. Teamwork. We collaborate and share knowledge to benefit patients and fellow caregivers for the advancement of our mission. Service. We strive to exceed our patients’ and/or fellow caregivers’ expectations for comfort and convenience. Integrity. We adhere to high moral principles and professional standards by a commitment to honesty, confidentiality, trust, respect and transparency. Compassion. We demonstrate our commitment to world-class care by providing a caring and supportive environment for our patients, patients’ families and fellow caregivers. “ Cleveland Clinic (2013). Vision & Values. Retrieved from:
Correlation With Mission and Values Empowers Nurses To Critically Think Hold self and each other accountable Make Patient Centered decisions Integrates Employee Engagement and Patient Experience Cleveland Clinic (nd). Delivering on the Promise of World Class Care: Tying it All Together
Inter-disciplinary Concerns Physicians - Issues relating to leadership and decision making Attending physicians are responsible for decision making but the nursing care can be directed by the assigned RN or Care Manager Support Staff – Changes in roles RN’s coordinate all care and assignments LPN’s will be paired with RN who will plan and coordinate patient care LPN role may be expanded to include delivering of treatments, working in outpatient offices, rehab, or subacute sites, and surgical techs Nurse Educators – What type of Education will be needed? Formal Charge Nurse Program. Staff orientation to new practice model, RN and LPN access to scope of practice Cleveland Clinic (nd). Zielony Insitiute Nursing Practice Model. Colleagues in Care
Implementation System Wide team of “four Associate Chief Nursing Officers (ACNOs),…Human Resource Business Partner and System Executive/Director of Nursing Operations Integration…the chief nursing officers for each of the 11 hospitals” (Small & Small, 2011. p.4). Launch materials were disseminated to staff to get excitement started Presented to Nurse Managers are annual retreat Rolled out to Nursing Staff through online education materials, onsite presentations, and mandatory training Small & Small, 2011.p5
Evaluation “The Nursing Institute will be tracking the success of the model over time. This success will be measured by tracking improvements in Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and System (HCAHPS) scores of patient's perceptions of care” Small & Small, 2011. p.5)
Conclusion Zielony Institute Nursing Practice Model Patient Centered Care Blends Cleveland Clinic mission with nursing mission Promotes nursing leadership and coordination of care
References Cleveland Clinic (nd). Delivering on the Promise of World Class Care: Tying it All Together. Retrieved From: Cleveland Clinic (nd). Delivery of the Practice Model at Cleveland Clinic. Retrieved From: Cleveland Clinic (nd). Zielony Insitiute Nursing Practice Model. Colleagues in Care. Retrieved From:
References, Cont. Cleveland Clinic (2013). Vision & Values. Retrieved from: Cleveland Clinic (nd). Zielony Insitiute Nursing Practice Model. Colleagues in Care. Retrieved From: Small, D., Small, R. (2011). Patients First! Engaging the Hearts and Minds of Nurses with a Patient-Centered Practice Model. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing 16(2)