Filtration Filters are available in the cabinet, Filter Magic, or under the frypot, a Footprint System. The design has evolved on both styles since their introduction. Filter Magic System Footprint System
Filter Magic was introduced in the ‘70s.
Filter Magic II introduced these changes in ’89.
Two-piece Pan Filter Magic System
In early Filter Magic systems, an inner pan, which catches the oil, sits in an outer pan. It connects to the return through a port.
In early ‘99, a one-pan Filter Magic design was introduced. The oil return plumbing moved into the pan.
Footprint filters, which don’t increase the size of the fryer battery, were introduced in ‘88.
The design has evolved. This is Footprint I.
Footprint II, which introduced heater tape, rolled out in ‘89.
Footprint III, a one-pan system, was introduced in 1995.
The Footprint system continues to evolve. The oil return lines have changed from this early model.
Old-style Oil Return New-style Oil Return
Two types of clamps are used on the square drain pipe: - rubber boots and clamps - flanged pipe and metal clamps
The flange-and-clamp style drain pipes are held on electric frypots with conduit nuts.
Boot-style pipes are held on gas fryer frypots with a brace. The frypot nipple is simply inserted into a grommet in the drain pipe.
Filter System Blockage Problems are often associated with: Incorrectly sized paper Inadequate paper Solidified shortening
Pump Blockage
FMII prior to 4/99 and Footprint II
FMII after 4/99
Footprint III prior to 8/97
Footprint III after 8/97