Journalism 2300: News Photography Week Eight March 25,
Announcements Announcements If grading today: If grading today: –230+ = A – = B – = C – = D –<140 = F Check: 2
To be a better photographer… 3
…you need to take a lot of photos! 4
The week in pictures MSNBC: MSNBC: – 5
Upcoming major assignments Major Assignment III: Winter Events Major Assignment III: Winter Events –Due 6 pm on Monday, March 25 –Any updates? Extra Credit: Photojournalist Presentation due March 25 Major Assignment IV: Sports Major Assignment IV: Sports –Due 6 pm on Monday, April 1 –Any sporting events over break? Major Assignment V: Weather Major Assignment V: Weather –Due 6 pm on Monday, April 8 –Any weather shots from over break?
Upcoming major assignments Major Assignment VI: Spot News Major Assignment VI: Spot News –Due 6 pm on Monday, April 15 –Any luck?? Weather can always be a backup! Major Assignment VII: Photo Story Major Assignment VII: Photo Story –Due 6 pm on Monday, April 29
Major Assignment IV: Sports Cover a sporting event of your choice Practice stopping action Look on the sidelines/crowd for reactions Submit best shot: Doesn’t have to be action Deadline: April 1 Any troubles?
Chapter 6: Sports Concentration the key Concentration the key –Easy to get distracted! –Anticipate the action Timeliness important Timeliness important –Old news = no news –Important to get background information on sport you’re covering
Barry Bonds: Brad Mangin, SI x.php#mi=2&pt=1&pi=10000&s=0&p=3& a=0&at=0 x.php#mi=2&pt=1&pi=10000&s=0&p=3& a=0&at=0 x.php#mi=2&pt=1&pi=10000&s=0&p=3& a=0&at=0 x.php#mi=2&pt=1&pi=10000&s=0&p=3& a=0&at=0
Peak action Look for momentary pause in action Look for momentary pause in action Shutter: 1/100 second Shutter: 1/100 second Aperture: f/4.80 Aperture: f/4.80 Focal length: 255 No flash Focal length: 255 No flash
ISO: 200 Shutter: 1/15 second Aperture: f/22 No flash Focal length: 48 mm
Getting sharp images Bracket! Need a lot of exposures to get sharp sports images Bracket! Need a lot of exposures to get sharp sports images Use autofocus Use autofocus Select the autofocus point to capture the action Select the autofocus point to capture the action –Center usually safest
Sports tips for DSLR
Reaction Time Anticipating the action Anticipating the action –If wait until crack of bat, you’re too late Press the shutter release halfway down Press the shutter release halfway down
Basketball strategies Stake a position Stake a position –Don’t try to cover entire court No flash! No flash! Watch the key players, then anticipate where they will be on the court Watch the key players, then anticipate where they will be on the court Look for emotional shot Look for emotional shot Difficult to stop action, but keep trying! Difficult to stop action, but keep trying! How Sports Illustrated works: p. 123 How Sports Illustrated works: p. 123
And even more tips! shoot-action shoot-action shoot-action shoot-action
Also next week…. We will review your winter event photographs, rank them We will review your winter event photographs, rank them Rewrite your captions from the major assignments and resubmit them during class Rewrite your captions from the major assignments and resubmit them during class
Tonight’s assignment Tournament Action Tournament Action –Pick a team: championship tournaments –Review photo galleries in school’s campus, local, and regional newspapers –Find the best photographs that best capture action, sideline emotion, crowd reaction –Copy the photographs and captions, put into a word document, and explain where the photographs were published and why you chose them – file as an attachment to:
Practice stopping action Let’s look at your cameras Let’s look at your cameras Review the settings Review the settings Head over to Rec Sports Head over to Rec Sports Come back and we’ll review individually Come back and we’ll review individually