Aim: Europeans were not able to conquer in Asia and Africa – why in the Americas?
Aztec capital Tenochtitlan - a swamp in the middle of a lake
Chiampas - productive, surplus agriculture based on maize
Inca Terracing - farming the mountains: potatoes
Inca Terracing - farming the mountains
Growth of the Aztec Empire,
Expansion of the Inca Empire
Differences in expansion through conquest Aztecs: plunder and exploitation left many enemies among conquered peoples A constant state of warfare to gain new sacrificial victims Incas: attempts to assimilate conquered peoples More of a “traditional” organized, bureaucratized empire
The Spinish and the hunter-gatherer peoples of the Caribbean – Arawaks, Caribs Encomiendas – grants of labor and land – recreating serfdom Disease and exploitation: from 6 million to a few thousand in 50 years Leads to the introduction of slaves
Hernan Cortes and the Aztecs: factors in conquest Religion: Was Cortes Quetocoatl returning? (1 Reed) Alliances with Aztec opponents Military technology was better – Horses, armor, steel swords, cannons Spanish capture Montezuma and rule through him Nevertheless, Aztecs drive out Spanish, but Disease – smallpox, measles, plague – kills 90% of population
Francisco Pizarro and the Incas Disease kills Inca; leads to a succession struggle Spanish need 100 years to complete conquest due to greater Inca unity
Mesoamerican Population 25 million (1519) 2.7 million (1569).75 million (1619)
Disease empties the Americas Allows Spanish and Portuguese to plunder No competing interests: –other exploiters – nobles, princes –other merchants offering a better deal –large populations that must be conquered Allows them to reorganize the whole society, unlike in Asia